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After we ate we left and Chandler and Mingus drug me through the crowd of paparazzi again.
I mean don't these people have lives?
I sat in the middle again.

"Where are we going" I asked.

"Change of plans. You'll be auditioning today. We are going to the studio and you will tryout and you'll get the results tomorrow." Lauren said.

Shit. Shit. Shit shit shit.
My heart was pounding and I pulled my knees to my chest and put my head on them.

I felt two people touch my arm and I turned to see Chandler and Mingus.
Ugh. Seriously I just can't get away.

"Don't be nervous" Mingus said.
"I was nervous when I auditioned" Chandler said.

"I'm not nervous." I snapped. "I'm just tired"
I was pulled down so my head was on someone's chest. And I drifted into a dreamless sleep.
"They are so cute"
"They are just like the characters they play"
"There is no way we are letting them forget this"
"It's my new screensaver"

These were the voices I woke to and the sound of someone's heartbeat.
I fluttered my eyes open to see the whole cast looking at me and taking pictures. I turned to see that I was laying on chandlers chest.

I shook him a wake.
"Morning princess" I told him.

Then I got out of the car and walking into the warehouse-looking building and was in awe to find it to be The walking dead studio and I squealed.

"Ok. Now audition kid" Andrew Lincoln said to me.

Oh boy.

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