This is a headache

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When Lauren and I stepped outside there was paparazzi everywhere.
They kept asking questions like,

"Lauren is this your kid"
"Lauren what's her name"
"Is she going to be on The Walking Dead"

Lauren turned and whispered "don't listen to them"
So I did what she said until we got to her car and I got to the passenger side.

On the way I looked at her
"Your on The Walking Dead" I said.

"Yep. You know they are looking for a new character and you are the right age."
She replied.

"Really? Ive always wanted to be an actress. All the girls at the foster care were obsessed with Chandler Riggs and some guy named Steven." I laughed and she did too.

"Actually today we are having a meeting and you could come to meet them" she said.

I nodded my head so fast I could've had whiplash.
"I have a question" I said "why didn't you choose a younger kid"

"I don't really like the younger kids because I don't enjoy potty training and teaching kids to talk. I would like to have a mother-daughter bond and have conversations" she smiled

"Well now you've got one"
---time skip---

When we got to her house I was completely in love with it. It was huge and beautiful and there was an in-ground pool and when I got inside it I thought I would die.
It was even more pretty on the in than out.
I lugged my stuff to the room she said was mine.

"This is your room you may get settled then you can get ready to meet the cast." She told me.

"Thank you" I said hugging her.
She nodded then exited my room.

I unpacked and looked at what clothes to wear and decided on skinny jeans and a softball shirt with blue converse.
Then I ran downstairs and Lauren and I got to the car and picked up 3 guys.

"Natalie Mae meet. Norman and Mingus Reedus and that is Chandler Riggs." Lauren introduced and I sat in the middle of the back of the car in between Chandler and Mingus.
They both looked at me and looked me up and down.

"My eyes are up here" I said to them and they looked at each other and smiled then looked out the window.

This is gonna be a long night.

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