Running Away

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My mother sits on The couch covered in tears.
"M-mother?" I ask hoping she wasn't who I thought she was
"Lovelyn!" Mother runs up to me and hugs me she whispers in my ear "You are gonna get what you deserve,"
I sit on the side of my bed covered in scratches and bruises. I'm not doing this anymore! I grab a backpack and money. The picture that sits on my shelf the last one with dad...
"I'm sorry," I whisper to it.
I walk outside the apartment, and run to Kat's house. I have a small limp ,but it doesn't stop me.
I stop outside of her house.
"Angel wings,what happened!" Neo flies up to me
"No time for explaining! Can you knock on Kat's window to wake her up?"
"Oh yeah totally!"
Neo flies to her window and knocks on it a few times.
"What do you need Neo?" Kat asks

" Angel wings is here!"

"Angel wings?....Lovelyn! I'll unlock the door!"

I hear the door unlock quickly

Kat hugs me.

"Did she hurt you!?"


"Please come in Amour will help you!"

"No, Kat, I'm leaving..this is goodbye.."


"I can't take it anymore. This place no longer has anything to offer me anymore,"

"If you are leaving then so am I!"

"Kat, You can't leave you have a family,"

"You ARE a part of my family Love,"

"Oh i um....."
"If you leave I leave,"

"But your family,"

"Yumi, and Amour are okay with me leaving. They say lessons are learned not taught..whatever that means,"

"If you insist,"

Kat walks inside and grabs her clothes ,and other things. She puts them sloppily in her old school bag.

"Hey Angel Wings? Where you goin' with Bluey?" Neo asks

" Anywhere but here," I say

" Is Bluey comin' with ya'?"

" Yeah Tell Leo i said goodbye," Kat says

"Bluey you ain't goin' anywhere without us,"

" Yeah! The amazing Leo must stay with friends! And big sis of course!" Leo flies up to Kat

"Leo, We're twins. We are the same age,"

" You were born an hour before me Neo!"

"Whatever bro,"

Me, Kat,Neo ,and Leo begin our journey.
"Anywhere you wanna go in particular Love?"
"No I just wanna get away from here,"
"How about Kaze Falls?" Neo says.
"Kaze falls?" I ask
"Girl, if you have never been to Kaze Falls you haven't lived," Neo says
"Neo, that place is for pixies not for bigger people like us," Kat says
"Oh..yeah..Leo you got any ideas?"
"Well we're out of ideas," Neo says
"We'll come across something eventually," Kat says.
We walk into the dark forest. Weeds are everywhere. Leo ,and Neo have no problem avoiding the obstacles.
"Wait! Kat!" I recognize that voice. It's Helena.
"I'm coming with you...if that is okay,"
"I just know ya'll are gonna get in trouble without me!" Spritz follows Helena.
"If you wanna come. Then please join us," Kat says
"We should go to Rosebed!" I say
"Rosebed?" Kat asks suprised "You serious Love?"
"I didn't think you liked big cities like Rosebed,"
"Rosebed...Oh! My creator lives there!" Spritz says "I haven't seen her in years!"
"Creator?" I ask confused
"I'm a robot ya' see. My creator..Oh what was her name.....whatever she created me 16 years ago,"
"Why were you created Spritz?" Kat says.
That could've been the worst thing that ever came out of her mouth. That is really saying something. I mean really! asking somebody why they were made!?
"I dunno," Spritz says.
"We should be on our way now," I say.
About a day has passed and we are really close to Rosebed. I can already hear the people talking, The bright lights, and everything a city should be.
"I remember this place!" Spritz says "My creator lives in an apartment somewhere around here,"
Spritz runs off. We have to follow her she'll get herself in trouble.
We follow Spritz throughout the city.
"Here it is!" Spritz says pointing to a a large skyscraper "That whole thing is hers,"
"Really," I ask
"Yep! What are we waiting for!" Spritz runs into the building. She's stopped by two robots
"State your business,"
"It's me Spritz! I brought a few friends too!"
One of the robots scans her face
"The name Spritz does not compute," The robot says
"But I'm the daughter of .."
"Please exit the building,"
A woman with a lab coat, Glasses ,Green eyes, and Straight brunette hair walks out of an elevator
"Spritz? Is that really you?"
"Yep! It's me,"
"It's been awhile. Please come in with your friends,"
We all walks inside. The whole place is massive, and tons of boxes with 'robot parts' scribbled on them are everywhere.
"I'm currently creating a new robot specifically to sing. I chose the name Nadia,"
"Is she like my sister?" Spritz asks
"Kind of,"
"What do you mean 'Kind of'?"
"She won't be able to think or have any emotions exept when singing,"
"So your using her as a slave?"
"Oh no nothing like that!"
"Then what is it like?"
"I is complicated!"
"How many robots have you made after me,"
"About fifty...why?"
"So you created fifty robots...are they slaves to you as well?"
"Spritz...after you left I needed to have somebody to help me with work,and it got out of hand,"
"Why not just create robots for specific tasks and give them true life?"
"True life?"
"The ability to learn, think, etcetera,"
"I don't know, but while you guys are here maybe you could help me catch up on work?"
"Don't change the subject!"
"I'll let you all stay here ,but you must help with work,"
"We need a place to stay Spritz," Helena puts her hand on Spritz's shoulder
"She's right ,but don't expect me to ever respect you!"
"Alright then,by the way I'm Diana," She says grabbing a two boxes of papers "these are the robots needed to be completed. You all must be tired so you may rest for tonight,"

Author Note: You guys may have noticed the cover change! I personally like the new one alot more than the old



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Anyway have a good day or night and continue being you!

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Anyway have a good day or night and continue being you!

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