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Neo's P.O.V
"Sis this is so boring!" Leo says
"I know bro, but we can't go get styled like them. It sucks,"
"There must be something to do,"
"I know! Helena carries around like thirty blank books,and a few written ones aswell,"
"We should read out of them!"
"Bro, I agree completely!"
Me and Leo fly to her bags, and look through the books.
"Okay..what books are in here...." Leo says
"Alright! We have, An atlas, Some book about a magic kid with a scar, Candle making? Huh never expected that,"
"What about this one?" Leo flies to a book with a blank cover. "It has writing inside of it!"
He opens the book a few pages.
"Leo, that doesn't look normal,"
"What language is this?"
"Leo, I think we should read another book,"
That was a close one. I do this trust weird books in a different language.
"Let the darkness consume me Whatever happens i will live om forever this book will be my soul. What does that mean?"
"Leo," my heart begins to race. I know that spell can only be dark magic. I already don't trust magic in general.
"Did you just read a passage out of that book?"
"That, had to be dark magic!"
"Leo watch out!"
Dark strings grab his legs,and arms.
"NO!TAKE ME!!!TAKE ME!!" I yell. Trying to snap the strings.
My life flashes before my eyes. This is it. My life has lead up to this. I remember my childhood...the running..the guards chasing me and my brother. I held him tight never wanting to let go. I had to change into my pixie form. Never to go back into human form.
I feel something grab my legs. Cold red strings drag me down. The book accepts my entry. I shed a tear as I look at my brother
"Goodbye," I whisper

Helena's P.O.V

Raraline sits at the table drawing up designs for outfits.
"Hey Rara,"
"Yes Helena?"
" Spritz.."
"Of course you do! Why else would you be traveling together!"
"No..I really like her,"
"Honey, please I know you're friends but you don't have to spell it out for me,"
Raraline walks to a wall of fabrics and chooses a few.
"Raraline....I just..Nevermind"
I feel a sudden vibration in my stomach. Somebody used the book! Meh whatever that book is so old the spells are pretty much useless now.
"Darling, are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine just a little shaken up,"
"Oh,what happened?"
"Nothing important,"
Raraline begins to use the sewing machine..
"Can I tell you something?"
"You can't tell anyone okay?"
"I always keep a promise,"
"I kinda..feel something for Spritz,"
"Hmm? Like a crush,"
" A little more than a crush,"
"Oh okay,"
"You're not upset?"
"Why would I be? You're my cousin; I'm not your mother. I have no purpose in being angery,"
"I guess you have a point,"
"So..what do you see in her?"
"Her hyperness is refreshing; considering my old life of staying inside all day writing books."
"Oh you're an author? I never have read a book of yours,"
"I don't publish them."
"Hmm..okay. Ever thought of publishing one?"

" No actually,"

"Honey, all books have a chance of bring best sellers,"

" Can I read any of the books you write?"

" house in Riverfall has lots of books,"

"So that's where you ran off to?"


"Why did you run off anyway?"

"I um....."

"Whatever darling, As long as you're here I don't need to know that,"

Hours later

Spritz's P.O.V

"Are you sure this is the best outfit?" I stand in front of Raraline. I wear a short electric green dress with long sleeves. The dress is form fitting. The dress doesn't pass my finger tips.

" My legs are showing," I've always been insecure abut my legs. When i was created in order for my legs to work correctly skin couldn't be placed on them. I was also created without a specific gender. I just adopted being female. That's why my chest is flat.

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