The Strange Case of Miss Helena and Mrs. ???

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"Multiple Personality Disorder?"
"It's a disorder usually caused by trauma of some sort. Did something happen?"
"Well, when I was younger my parents..left me,"
"Well that would be traumatizing. Being abando-"
"They didn't abandon me! They left....they said I'd figure out my fate eventually,"
"By the way.. are you a doctor?"
"No. My friend ,aka my bodyguard, is she told me all this,"
"Okay..can I get rid of multiple per- screw it how can I get rid of it!?"
"You can't...but you seem to be controlling it very well."
"Anyway please tell me of you know how to control your....powers?"
"Yeah, Harley only came out of me because you......YOU! I FORGOT YOUR FACE!!!"
"Listen Helena Katrina's in the hospital right now she's recovering,"
"Why would I trust you?"
"Do you want to see her?"
"No. I'm find,"
She can control Harley pretty well. I'm curious...
"Chernobyl! Show yourself!"
Helena grabs her head them looks up calmly.
"I'm here,"
Helena snaps back to normal
"Please...don't make me ever go through that again,"
She can control Chernobyl aswell. I doubt she can't control Akkendi.
"You..don't need my help,"
"You can control yourself."
I look down at the book. It flipped to a page with two people. Probably pixies. Wait...they look oddly familiar. A girl and a boy both with Dark brown hair and grey eyes.
"Leo? Neo?"
"How did you!?"
"They're royalty. They disappeared without a trace one day. They're pixies. Legend has it they turned into pixie form and never went back into normal sized form."
"I never knew that,"
"They trapped themselves didn't they?"
"Yeah I've tried to get them out,"
"Maybe I can do something,"
Neo's P.O.V
"Leo, stop it's useless," I say
"Don't give up now Neo! We can get out!"
Leo attempts to drag me across another page. Another story. Another lost hope.
"Leo, we aren't getting out anytime soon,"
"It'll be longer if you don't come with me,"
"Leo, listen, I understand your concern but I don't want to try anymore,"
"Neo...'So many people gave their happiness to others and   never worried about themselves' do you remember that? You always told me that,"
"I do,"
"I'm trying to make you move. Not worrying about myself. Get up!"
I sit on the ground covered in the book's text.
I'm done. It's over. Game Over my friend.
"Neo. Please."
"Sorry bro it's over for me,"
"Neo Damn it!"
"Neo? Leo? Is that you?" A very familiar voice says
"Cleo?!" I say looking back to see a pale girl with lifeless gray eyes and grayish brown hair the reaches to her feet and continues about a  three feet behind her.
"Neo. I've missed you,"
Spritz P.O.V
"Miss Selena there is nothing we can do. Her body isn't accepting the robotic parts. We must take them off."
"And let her be crippled the rest of her life!? NO!"
"There must be something I can do!" I look down at Katrina laying in a hospital bed. One of her eyes is robotic.
"No we can't do anything exept take the robotic parts off of her."
"We actually can do something." Keeyla walks into the room "My friend can create a potion that'll help Katrina's body accept the robotic parts."
"Well...give it to her!"
"I can't....the ingredients are terribly hard to takes alot of guts Spritz,"
"Mentally or physically? Mentally I have guts. Physically no,"
"This isn't a joke Spritz! There is a potion that'll save Katrina."
"Tell me how to get it!"
"Here, it has the recipe on it," Keeyla hands me a paper.
"Deer's Red Rose, Mermaid's Water Lily, and A Harpy's Blood. Hmm that should be easy enough to get,"
"I can promise you it's hard to do." Keeyla creates a portal. I can see directly through it. It's a pathway though some trees with red leaves.
I walk through the portal
"Just follow the path and you'll be golden!" Keeyla says.
The sun is non-existent in this world. I feel sunlight but I see no sun. The forest begins to deepen. As the path lights my way I'm not scared. I begin to walk into a circular patch of land with a giant tree covered in red roses.

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