Meet Keeyla

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Katrina's P.O.V
Damn it!! Why do I agree to these things! I'll never fit in! Sure I'm the same age as most of them ,but I'm way to childish!! If I ever want to see Neo and Leo again I have to do this..I must do it for THEM!!
We all begin to walk out of Rosebed.
"Hey you all!" A voice yells a girl with eyes as blue dark eyes,and ash grey hair jumps of her broomstick.
"Names Keeyla nice to meet ya'll,"
"Hi I'm Katrina,"
" should take a tour around Mistwood the place is beautiful really! This place really needs more people to live here!"
"Keeyla, do you know about a magic school here?"
"What's the name?"
"Mistwood College For Magic..I think,"
"Oh I'm the best student there!! You should see if the school will let you in! The teachers are amazing!"
She lights up
She seems excited
Maybe I can just ask her to undo the dark magic? Keeyla grabs my wrist and runs off with me. She looks a bit sad as she lead me to a dark tree with a large hole in it. The hole could easily hold me in it. I'm about 6,7 so the hole must be......about 8 feet. It reaches from the start of the tree to the trees middle.
"Listen.." Keeyla's cheerful voice is sad and deep " I don't want to do this,"
She leads me to the hole. A dark small tunnel is in the ground
I feel hands push me down the hole.
I scream as I fall.
The hole is too small for my wings to safely extend. I still try. My wings extend the holes walls scrape my wings forcing scales off. Pain shoots through my body. Red scales continue to fall off. I can't stand the pain. Tears fill up my eyes. I can't be weak. I have to live!
I attempt to grab the walls with my hands ,but to no Avail. My nails scrape the wall. My body forces my wings to retract and my nails stop scraping the walls.
Suddenly a large aura of peace comes over me..I'm fine.. I've had a good run..I had fun..I've cried,laughed,fell in love...I have friends who will tell my story....I won't be forgotten...Helena...Spritz..Leo...Neo..........Lovelyn they know I'll be fine. Sorry I couldn't be with you guys right now. Sorry....goodbye.

Keeyla's P.O.V
I stare down the large hole in the ground. I single tear falls down my cheek. I'm so horrible......I didn't even know her. She seemed so nice. She trusted me so easily. I felt it though she used dark magic..or maybe black magic I'm not sure.... I'm sorry Katrina. Sorry.

Helena's P.O.V
I knew it! Keeyla had to be up to the!
"Those tears don't fool me Keeyla!!" I scream running up to her.
"You killed Katrina!"
"I didn't want to! She used dark or black magic!"
"She never touched Dark Magic!"
Keeyla quickly touches my shoulder
"Dark Magic," She whispers to herself "Damn right it's Dark Magic!"
"Where..did you learn this?"
I take the book out of my bag
Keeyla gasps
"Listen...I don't want to hurt anybody..I had to take care of Katrina,"
"Look, I don't want to interfere with Dark Magic okay?""
I feel my body get hot
"Inoccent. She was..........INNOCENT!!!" I feel myself being lifted off the ground
My voice deepens to a dark demonic voice
"SHE WAS INNOCCENT!!!" I scream my voice getting deeper
Keeyla blocks herself with a magic shield.
"That won't work!" My voice is completely demonic now.
The books flies up to me. Flipping through pages in the air in front of me. I smile
"GO.TO.HELL" I point my finger at her
"No! Please I didn't want to hurt her!"
"Heh..that's a joke," I hover over to her "If I was in your shoes I'd run fast,but it's too late for that now isn't it?"
"Please..don't do this,"
"Heh heh heh ahhhhah!AHAHAHAHAA!! DIE!"
"Wait! Helena!" I hear Lovelyn behind me
"Helena!" Spritz screams
"Helena? You must be mistaken my name is Harley,"
"Harley? can't be," Spritz says
Spritz's P.O.V
"Helena!" I scream
"It's Harley,"
I signal for Keeyla to run away. I'll distract that isn't Helena. Keeyla runs away fast. I've never seen a person run so quickly before in my life.
"Helena! What's happened to you! Please let us help!" Lovelyn screams
"Screw off!" Whatever that thing is possessing my friend points to Lovelyn making her fly into multiple trees breaking about three in half.
"Lovelyn!!" I scream
"I'm very impressed... I never thought that weakling Helena would ever have the strength to support my soul,"
I run over to Lovelyn. She's passed out ,still alive, but passed out.
"I haven't felt power like this in years!" Harley says "It's been so long,"
I stand up slowly
"Helena, I know your still in there somewhere,"
"Helena, this is the last chance you have to come back out,"
"Helena is DEAD!"
"If Helena's dead Harley will die with her. Good luck Harley,"

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