She Isn't My Problem

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"I must say more. Harley isn't as innocent as you think, Helena lied. Harley killed millions some Kitsune have a special skill that allows them ,with each kill, to get stronger. Harley was one of these Kitsune. Her first kill was her sister. I mustn't talk more about that kill. Harley is evil, towns and cities became ghost town when she arrived. Nothing could hide. Helena's ancestors trapped Harley inside the book never to be alive again. To make matters worse Helena will be killed for being involved with the book. So many want the book."
The world goes back to normal
"Go Spritz, protect her with your life,"
"She..isn't my problem,"
"Uh!!" Keeyla looks at me like she just saw me murder her family. A mix of fear,confusion,and anger
"She IS your problem!" She says giving me a death glare.
"No, she really isn't. I don't want to be part of all this bullshi-"
"Guess what idiot, you're already involved!"
"If you care so much protect her yourself!"
"I can't,"
"Why not?!"
"Why can't you protect her!?"
"I have to protect Lovelyn,and Katrina!"
"Oh screw off! You attempted to kill Katrina I don't want to hear it! Murderer!"
"I didn't want to!"
"I didn't want to! Are you serious did the air control your body and go 'Time to kill an innocent hahaha' you are a real idiot to think I'd believe that,"
"When will you realize how ridiculous your being!?"
"Same to you!"
"You know! I kinda thought you'd care about a supposed great friend! But no! You have to be here with Lovelyn,and Katrina!"
"Yeah, two victims of attempted murder,"
"Fine! I'll go protect her! I'll screw my entire life up just to protect her!"
"Oh, so Helena isn't worth precious school time?"
"So now you care about her!?"
"You understand I know NOTHING about the....Corrupted Souls or whatever! Or how to control them! You do!"
"I......Fine! Just answer me here! Is Helena worth less than Lovelyn ,and Katrina,"
"Listen, Helena is a really good friend,but Katrina is like family to me,"
"And Helena isn't?"
"She is ,but.. Lovelyn also needs help,"
Keeyla storms out of the hospital. The doors slam as the leaves.
The tall brunette looks at me and leaves.

Keeyla's P.O.V
Maybe I should calm down before I meet Helena. Chances are she's scared,alone, and afraid. I wouldn't want to scare her. Anyway.. I guess Spritz has a right not to trust me...I should apologize later.
I wonder where Helena is. She seemed I guess maybe a river.
Wait..I can use magic..I need to get more sleep....
"Go Asher!" I yell conjuring my spirit animal a great big Lion I named Asher.
Asher purrs as I let him out.
"I need you to find Helena,"
"Brreow?" Asher meows
"Oh yeah," I use a spell that allows animals to talk
"Thanks, by the way idiot I can't track her without a scent," Asher says being his usual sassy self.
"Here," I hand him a small piece of Helena's hair I managed to cut when she went crazy.
As hers smells the hair. He looks at me confused.
"How did you cut her hair? She was five feet in front of you,"
Asher has a spirit ability. Every Spirit Animal has one. Asher's ability is to see object's pasts just by smelling them.
"When she went crazy I threw a knife behind her head. She obviously didn't notice. It cut her hair,so I took the hair and saved it,"
"That's a kinda CREEPY AS F*CK. I mean what the hell!"
"Asher, am I ever gonna meet a woman who can kill the world if she wanted again? No I'm not,"
"Well...your not wrong but still TAKING A PIECE OF HER HAIR,AND KEEPING IT! What the actual f*ck,"
"Don't judge me!"
"Too late sister,"
"Listen just track her down and you get a hunting night," Sometimes I let Asher roam free to hunt down animals and eat them. Being a Spirit Animal he has no need to eat ,but he likes eating his prey.
"Can I kill humans?"
"Then no deal,"
"Two hunting days,"
"I'll take four,"
"Good kitty, Take me to Helena," I jump on Asher back.
"Listen human you EVER call me kitty again I'll take my own hunting day ,but you'll be the prey,"
"Alright Asher," he always makes these types of threats he doesn't do anything.
Asher runs fast.
I love the wind blowing through my hair. It puts me at ease.
Asher lays down in some maze of trees.
"Calm it sister she's hiding in a tree to your north,"
I look through millions of trees until I see the small girl.
"I'm here to help Helena!"
She reluctantly climbs down the tree. She holds the book tight ,as if I'm going to kill her.
"I'm won't hesitate to use self-defense,"
I Guilt fills me from head to toe. I know I've done wrong. I feel like I'm going to throw up.
"I'm not going to hurt you, I promise."
"Listen Helena I'm going to use a bit of magic to do psychological test. To see if you have any mental disorders,"
She looks saddened
"I'm don't think you have anything ,but let me do this,"
She comes towards me. I put my hand on her head . Her sanity is in tact...she doesn't have any murderous intent....I feel two presences
"Please drop the book Helena,"
I hear a small thump on the ground.
Still, two presences. I hear voices echo through my head ,two of them, Helena's and...somebody. It isn't Harley. It's somebody else.
"Kill them,kill them,kill them," the voice chants
"NO!" Helena's thoughts shout
Two voices and presences..
"Helena you have Multiple Personality Disorder, otherwise known as Dissociative Identity Disorder,"

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