Chapter 16

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"Spritz." Asriel says putting his hand out to me "It's been too long." He looks the same exept taller than I remeber. White hair,red eyes, he's grown to about 6,2 ,the average height for males.
"Yes. Spritz it's me."
I walk up and hug him. He's cold. I release him.
"Spritz, we can start over. A new life. We can be together again."
"Take my hand Spritz. Take it."
"Asriel, I can't."
"Spritz, I was lost to the seas the least you can do is restart with me."
"My friends will worry."
"Spritz." He begins to raise his voice "take my hand restart. Reset."
Snow begins to fall around up.
"I can make you happy. Snow is your favorite."
He isn't wrong I love the snow. I love how it accumulates in a blanket on the ground. The cold. It brings memories back.
"You know I have everything."
Asriel grabs my wrist. He begins to walk away. I stay still on the ground. I have to many friends to just restart with a guy I haven't seen in four years. I don't even like anything romantically.
Asriel looks back at me.
"No Asriel. I'm not going with you."
"You will go with me."
I reach into my pocket I hold my pocket knife.
He pulls my wrist. Once I come close enough to him, I slash him in the face.
He quickly grabs his eye and screams.

I quickly sprint away. The mud gets all over my legs ....and of course since I'm still wearing the got EVERYWHERE. This won't be fun to get off. I'm a robot so no baths for me. Usually whatever gets on me just kinda goes away after awhile.
The snow still falls. Coating my hair,arms,and my entire body.
I look down at my hands. Asriel's blood stains them a deep dark red. To be honest it kinda felt good to hurt something. To make something bleed. I'm a fucked up person aren't I?
The road returns. Something pulls me back to reality.
A weight I never thought I had lifts off my chest. I'm back to reality. The blue sky greets me. Warmth. Comfort.
" Spritz welcome back." I'm greeted by Keeyla " you have everything needed, I need a bit of your skin though."
My skin...Oh yeah Asriel was a Harpy. I rip a bit of my skin off. It doesn't hurt much, just kinda stings.
Keeyla mixes up the ingredients and makes a small vial of the potion.
"Here you g-" Keeyla stares at me "Run." She whispers putting the vial in the pocket of my jeans. "Go run quick." I can barely hear her this time.
I look into her eyeas. A reflection of a dark tall figure illuminates behind me.
Keeyla pushes me out of the way.
"GO!" She screams.
The creature lets out a roar. I run as fast as possible.
What is that thing!!
I hear the beast scream again this time in pain then Keeyla join in the screaming.
That's a Broken Doll,or lost spirits. They tend to wear long cloaks covering their faces. Also they tend to work in groups. I'm not alone. Broken Dolls fear crowded places and will not step foot near a group bigger than three.
The only way to kill one is to rip their cloak completely off. Not an easy task. They have powerful magic,but can be slowed down. Since they work in groups they tend to mourn for fallen comrades,not for long though only about five minutes ,but that also means I'll have to kill one. Also staring at them stops them in their tracks, but being group hunters one can easily sneak up behind you.
They got the name 'Broken Dolls' because they are said to be messengers of Melinoe,Nyx, Ardestia, and Achlys. Slowly they went from messengers to assassins in the 'War Of Gods'. They also have a very    Doll-like appearance usually with cracks in the skin imagine a broken porcelain doll and you got what they look like.

Broken Dolls are said to be spirits who have unfinished business on earth. Broken Dolls are supposed to finish their business on earth ,but then they are stuck being Broken Dolls until they die again. The cycle may restart again. Broken Dolls are also sent to kill by some gods. As far as I know nobody has any 'unfinished business' with me. Somebody must be after me.
I run into the city mud staining the dress as I run into the hospital.
I run to Kat's room. The smell of chemical that are keeping her alive hurt my nose.
I walk over to her. Her right eye is now robotic the color of it is green. I don't know what to do with the potion....I guess make her drink it? She looks at me.
"Here. Drink this." I say handing her the vial." She trusts me and drinks the vial. She falls asleep.
Hopefully that worked. Now..the Broken Dolls? Why would they be after me...they could've actually been after Keeyla...wait KEEYLA!

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