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Amanda looked just like a broken doll. With her back arched forward, her limbs laying out and her head hung down. Her long light brown hair was everywhere. Tears were dropping again from her reddened face.

Like always, she was a mess.

John's eyes softened at her submissive appearance. He walked forward slowly, trying to think over what he was going to say while also procrastinating as long as he possibly could.

He didn't want to do this. He was never too good at soft confrontations. But, as he stared into her face, he could tell the other way just wasn't going to work with this one. John knew he had to do everything in his power to let Amanda know that she wasn't bound to this.

Not by any means was she bound to live this life with him.

Amanda watched John come closer to her. She sobbed a little bit more. Somehow, whenever she saw him, was bombarded with a flood of her most painful memories. Memories that shouldn't even be connected to such a wonderful man. John had never wronged to her. Not once. And yet she still reacted like a battered house wife when she was in his presence.

She grabbed the knife beside her. The pain was coming back. It was just too much for her to handle all at once. She had to make it go away. She didn't care if John was right there in the room with her.

Nothing else matters right now.

She stared down as she traced the blades edge from her knee all the way up the rest of her left leg. Rivers of crimson blood traveled down to join the old blood that had dried and caked itself to her thigh and lower leg.

She cried out from the pain she was forcing herself to go through. John felt his heart throb again. All was this was hell on both of them.

He sat himself down on the bed beside her, not taking a chance to stop her. Amanda was so unstable right now, he wasn't entirely sure of how to take her. One false move and he knew everything would mess up.

John was smart, though, and allowed her to continue as he sat there with her. He stared at her wounds and blinked slowly. Everything seemed to play in slow motion in his mind. It was a lot to take in at once.

'Had she really done this to herself? ' he thought to himself.

This was just horrible.

Amanda And John [EN] (SAW FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now