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She was proud of it. She pressed the dull side of the knife to her chest, nuzzling it lovingly.

She set it aside on the covers of her bed, standing up slowly. She looked around; making sure John wasn't around to see her. Once she was reassured that no one was around, she pulled down her pants to the point where she was only wearing her dark pink panties. She sighed as she looked at the scars that she had made earlier. They looked back up at her, as if taunting her. She rubbed her forehead roughly and sat back down.

She glanced down at her thigh, placing the blade of the knife against it. The knife cut the skin easily. Like not butter. She closed her eyes thightly. Breathing steadily through her nose. She pushed a little harder, opening her eyes. She winced, allowing painful fresh tears to push their way out of her eyes and run down her eyes and run down her face. Her eyes were stuck on her thigh, which was now bleeding freely. She removed the blood stained knife, staring at the large cut.

She almost smiled at that. It was pathetic, what she did, but it didn't matter. Not here. Not at this moment. It felt so good. It felt by far better than suffering what she was forced to go through every waking moment of her life.

Amanda tossed her head back. Small cries elicited from her parted lips. She needed more.

She slowly aimed the blade of her knife at the other thigh, pressing the knife's edge against the skin again. She pushed harder this time though, going as far as her pain threshold would allow. She hissed and cried loudly, morbidly enjoying the pain she was afflicting upon her own body.

Amanda set the dripping knife aside. She looked down at the two cuts she made with pride.

She sniffed as the pain spread through her body, hiding the emotional pain that racked her body not moments ago. She placed her hands on both cuts, playing with the floppy skin barely hanging on and the crimson rivers that trickled down her legs; she did so until both hands were stained red.

Amanda smiled and started laughing.

Not the maniacal laughter one might hear from a dried up and soured story book character. No. This was a innocent laugher, the type one might hear from a small child on warm summer day just enjoying themselves. Just happy to be alive. Just unaware or the evil this cruel world has to share.

Amanda thought she was alone through this entire ordeal, but she was wrong. John, from a dark corner, had watched his apprentice from the start.

Amanda And John [EN] (SAW FANFIC)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя