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Her thumb caressed his cheek as she continued to stare into his kind face.

'' Everyone is discontent about something'' John nuzzled into her hand. '' It's just what we decide to do to relieve that, that's important. ''  She leaned over and rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. John wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him as he leaned into her ear.

'' I'm not going to be here for long, '' he whispered after moment's silence. He allowed them to cuddle a little more before he decide to continue. '' And I know I need someone to continue my legacy, but... '' his head against hers. He had to say it. It would be painful, but it had to be done.

''... If you don't wish to still be here with me, then I will not continue to keep you here against your will. ''

Amanda's eyes widened.

'' You've suffered so much, Amanda, and I don't like it. You've been the closest thing I've ever had to a connection. You're the only one who understands me and it pains me to see you weep daily. ''

Amanda pulled tighter to him as he garnished her head with light kisses.

'' So, I want you to decide. This is your choice; much like it was a few months ago when you passed your test. I want to know if you still wish to be my apprentice or if you want to leave this behind. I trust that you will ever tell a soul about me and that you will live on without anymore pain. ''

Amanda leaned back and stared at John again, in disbelief. She could go? She could run away from all of this? She didn't have to suffer with the guilt of kidnapping and torturing people anymore?

''Amanda ''  he muttered weakly, '' I love you and I don't wish for you to stay here any longer if it places a frown upon your face. ''

She smiled and pushed her lips against his own, then rested on herself on his shoulder.

For a moment nothing was said between the two of them. He was in shock. Her embrace on him was tight, holding him close, that moment of contact took everything away: every pain, every tear and every moment of grief away from her mind.

Amanda And John [EN] (SAW FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now