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Guys I seriously feel terrible about Monday night. I hate myself soooooooo much. And I said I wouldn't cut Tuesday or Wednesday. But, tonight at midnight, it will be Thursday.... I can punish myself then. Every time I look at my legs, I think, "Those aren't my legs. They're all scarred from a knife." But they are. There have a bunch of angry red slashes across them. And on Monday I made two more. One is really long and deep. So if I'm awake I am definitely going to punish myself at midnight. It was horrible what I did. Ackensghflurgahnurgah.

:-(  I really hate myself. A lot. To infinity and beyond! "and at that moment, I swear the hate was infinite." Ackensghflurgahnurgah :-(  hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate....... HHHHHHAAAAAAATTTTTTTEEEEE. I don't know what to do until midnight. I'm going to burn tonight in the shower. I never said I wouldn't burn.... But what about now? Just sit here making the previous cuts hurt? I dunno. :-(

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