I've Been Hit Again

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I cleaned the bathroom earlier. My mom just went in there and asked why the counter had stuff on it (face washer thing, toothbrush, tooth paste etc.). I told her that was where I put those things. It was all organized too, all in one corner of my sink. But she wanted it all out of site. I told her it was all organized and I didn't see why I needed to put it all disorganized in an ugly bin thrown randomly under the sink. She just kept yelling that she didn't want it on the counter, giving no explanation. So I got a plastic bag and threw the stuff in it. Then she boxed my ears, hit me a couple times, and sort of strangled me kind of. She also broke the cat bowl when she threw the bag into my sink. Then she made me randomly put the items into her box and throw it under the sink. I'm never going to use those now. She slapped me again and let me leave to my room. The whole time I kept my face blank. "ARE YOU STUPID!?!?" She asked. "Yes, I think I am." I said quietly. She hit my multiple times again. She asked a question, and I answered honestly. "YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED!" She screamed at me. "Oh I am. You have absolutely no idea how ashamed I am." I said my voice cracking. I went into my room and let some tears escape, but quickly stopped. It's amazing, yet scary, how well I can hide all emotions, without letting a single person know how much I want to die. I could be sobbing on my bed, hear someone knock on my door, tell them one second, and erase all traces of pain. Everybody I know agrees. Me and my sister are now plotting to take everything from the bathroom. Lightbulbs, shower curtains, paintings...

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