Anorexia Update

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For breakfast I had about half a small waffle and about four inches of bacon. For lunch I had an apple. I also ate some strawberries before dinner (they are so freaking good gods) and I ate normal dinner. I tried to purge dinner, but it's so freaking hard gods. So I only got a little up. So I guess that's my plan. Eat as little as you can stand until dinner, and eat small portions then. Purge it if you can. Oh and I also had a little stegosaurus chicken nugget as a sample from Sams Club. It was good. And I might try the Russian gymnast diet. I really want to, but with my family and stuff... I'll see if I can do it. Like, trade out the orange juice for milk, etc. I'll see if it works the way I do it. I hope so. But yeah, eat as little as possible until dinner, eat small portions of dinner, try to purge. And exercise when you can, mostly at night.

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