Nobody Ever Admits To Anything They Do

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Ugh. Nobody ever admits to something they did! So my mom kinda... touches me strangely kinda. And makes really offensive comments. So I asked her not too, and she's just like, "I never did anything! Oh, do you men last week when I hit your butt because I wanted to strangle you to death and squeeze your guts out?" so I went on to the comments. "Well you should prevent the reason I say them!" But I do all I can to do that, and I told her that and she said "Well you obviously don't! Now go clean something!" So yeah...

My sister never owns up to what she does either. When she kicks the dogs and cats and I tell her not to, "OH MY GOD, I JUST NUDGED HIM WITH MY FOOT! I HATE YOU! I WANT TO KILL YOU!" thrusting your foot out as hard as possible at an object purposely is kicking, right? Apparently not to my sister...

My dad claims he never cusses. But he does. He has cussed me out before. And now he cusses at me because I say he cusses. "I don't * cuss! * *!"

Lots of people in my class don't own up to anything. Ugh........

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