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I am Scott.

I came from my mother's womb, but seconds after my arrival in this world I was taken away for experimentation. I don't remember my mother's name, what she looked like, or whether or not she actually loved me.

I don't think she did, because what kind of mother would send away their child before even looking at them? I've accepted her abandonment, because after all there is nothing I can do to change her decision now. It's been seventeen years.

I live with three other people who have gone through same process I have. Their names are Alice, London, and Sammy.

Alice has dark curly hair, and a beautiful smile. She is strong, I can tell because when I hear her cry at night she still has the strength to smile at me the following morning with brave hazel eyes. She is only seventeen years old, just like me.

London is intelligent, and she is often tested for the academic brilliance beneath her strawberry blonde hair and behind her soft green eyes. She is a year younger than Alice and I, yet believe me when I say she is wise beyond her years.

Sammy is the same age as London, yet he is so much smaller in our eyes. He is innocent, and he doesn't understand the method behind all the madness we endure. He has light brown hair, buzz cut in a style that suits him. His eyes are amber, and they compliment the few dark freckles that scatter along his face well.

They are my friends, easily my family.

I love them.

I love them because they are the very few who understand me, and I am one of the very few who understand them.

Each and everyday we remind one another of our importance to this world. We tell ourselves that one day we will leave the confined home we have been kept in, and one day we will escape together and be free.

Though until then, we must be perfect. We must be the perfect trial unlike the first twenty-eight who have been disposed of.

We are not completely human, yet just like London says,

"My heart has the same desire for the undeniable power of human love." 


I'm so excited for this!!!♥︎

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