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Early the next morning Sammy and I are awakened by our alarm clock. We share a bedroom, it's light blue and our bed sheets are a pure white. It's not that cool or creative I know, but it's comfortable. So comfortable, that I dread nothing more than leaving my soft bed every morning.

Though I did as necessary, I got out of bed and Sammy did the same. We stretched out our arms and legs, and then the both of us began to get dressed.

"Today's Tuesday, make sure you have your orange shirt on." I reminded Sammy as I pulled out my orange uniform top.

"I hate the color orange." Sammy mumbled, and I stifled a laugh as I questioned,

"Why? It's not that hideous."

"It reminds me of a prison. I feel like we're criminals when we wear our orange uniforms." Sammy shrugged with a small smile.

"Just put it on and freshen up in the bathroom." I said as I shook my head in amusement.

After he had brushed his teeth and washed his face, I did the same and soon we were both ready for the next part of our daily routine.

We headed down to the kitchen, and we saw London and Alice in their orange uniform dresses at the breakfast bar.

"Morning girls." I greeted, earning the familiar brave smile from Alice.

"Morning! I asked Jacob to make us waffles." She said to us.

"My favorite!" Sammy exclaimed as he threw a fist in the air.

"Harry said we should eat quickly, he wants to speak with us before our testing period today." London informed as she pinned her strawberry blonde hair back with an orange clip.

Harry was a like a fatherly figure to us. He was more of a dad to us than our actual blood related parents. He gave us attention, treated us with care, and often told us that we were the perfect and final trial. More importantly, he never caused us any pain. He told us everyday that we were his own. Therefore, we respected Harry and we always tried to do all that we could to please him.

Including eating breakfast faster.

We all took a seat at the breakfast bar, and as soon as our chef, Jacob, gave us our waffles and orange juice we immediately began to eat. Bite after bite we ate quickly, sculling down our orange juice and then pushing away our plates.

The four of us then stood up from our seats and then ran out of the kitchen, going down the familiar hall that led to the testing facility.

"Thank you Jacob!" I called out as I continued to follow behind the others.

We arrived at a large metal door, and we waited for the computer designed security system to open the door for us.

"Please state your position."  A voice asked, coming through a intercom above the door.

"Trial twenty-nine." I spoke up, and within seconds the metal door was opened for us.

We walked inside, and I could feel Alice slip her hand in mine. As often as we come into this facility, it's still as intimidating as ever. We have bad dreams about this place.

Harry was standing by a large table in the center of the room, and he was signing some papers. I cleared my throat to get his attention, and when he looked up at us he smiled and said,

"I hope you all slept well, today is another full day my gems."

We all nodded distinctively, and then I mentioned,

"You requested to see us early?"

"I did. Oliver and I were talking last night, and we agreed to test your limitations today." Harry said, a grim look painting over his face. Limitation tests were gruesome.

"Limitations?! Yesterday you told us we would simply practice our current capabilities." London said, her voice failing to remain stern.

"Yes but, everything's subject to change. You know that. Especially with Oliver. The man is full of surprises."

Oliver. A man that could easily be confused for the devil. He has caused us pain and strife. He's made us scream in agony louder and longer than any of us have ever screamed before. He's tried to make us more of machines than human beings, even though our hearts and flesh are indeed only human. Oliver has disposed of the past twenty-eight trials, without a single trace of remorse.

Oliver is Harry's brother, so we cannot rebel against him. Harry says it will make us imperfect, and subject to disposal.

"Will it hurt?" Sammy asked with a shaking voice.

"Most likely. I called you four here early so that you could mentally prepare yourselves."

"B-but we're just kids! Please Harry you can't let Oliver do this!" London panicked. Harry walked over to her with a small smile, a smile I didn't understand and nor did the others.

"You're abilities are what make you inhuman."

Oh yeah, we were given capabilities that make us unpredictable machines if not controlled.

Alice was given the ability to feel everything. With touch, she can feel the blood rushing through a body and she can feel every cell that explodes. She can feel the earth moving if her fingertips touch the grass outside and she can feel the water molecules working together when raindrops splash in her hands.

London has the capability to use her vocal cords beyond measure. Her scream can be so loud that it could blow off a face if not completely melt away a brain behind its skull. Her screams can be heard miles and miles away if intended, and no sound could ever compare to the violence inside her voice.

Sammy was given the ability to hear absolutely everything. It can be overwhelming I'm sure, because I see the way he covers his ears at times. He can hear the beating of hearts, the flutters of butterflies, and whispers from the house next door, and the breathing from every human in the building. He's learned to ignore some sounds, in other terms he's able to remain sane. Yet he still hears what he shouldn't.

I on the other hand, my capability is that I can see everything. From the tiny specs of dust on the top shelf of a bookcase, to every individual strand of hair on top of a persons head.

I can see everything.


Thoughts so far??♡

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