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"So either we become killing machines, or we have a killing machine kill us. Great options we have here guys." London nervously said.

"Scott's not gonna be a killing machine." Alice argued with a shake of the head.

"I'm not saying he is, but I mean bringing yourself back from the dead isn't exactly a normal thing to do." London said, and I could see a look of worry paint across her face. 

"Relax! Both of you. I'm not going to turn into a killing machine, and neither are any of you. I'll get us out of this. We're not weapons." I was making a promise I wasn't sure I could keep.

"But what if you can't?" Sammy asked in a whisper.

"They can take everything from me. My hope, my legacy, my soul, my strength, my worth, my eyes, and my life. They can even take away my very last breath, but God help them the day they come for you three."  That was a promise I knew I could keep. I would keep. I had to keep. 

The three of them gave me small smiles, and within that moment I meant my words more than ever. 

"Oliver will probably come in a few minutes, so let's pretend we don't know anything. We'll have more time to think of a way out of this if he thinks we know nothing. No one will suspect anything." I reasoned, and they agreed.

We then all got up from the floor, and Alice began to walk over to our bedroom door. 

"We'll head back to our room, Oliver hates it when the four of us are together outside of the lab." Alice sighed, and I have her a nod. 

"Glad you're okay Scott." London said to me, giving my left hand a squeeze before following after Alice. Once they left, Sammy and I made our beds and then changed out of the clothes we were in and into fresh sets. Afterwards we both sat on my bed, playing a game of cards as we waited for the time to pass. 

In the middle of our game, which I was winning, Sammy's head suddenly snapped up and he said, "He's coming. I can hear his footsteps."

Before I could even react Oliver indeed threw open our bedroom door.

"He's alive! The new and improved Frankenstein!" Oliver said with a twisted chuckle.

"Oh c'mon, don't look so bothered. This is great! One step closer to being perfect Scott." Oliver smiled, walking closer to Sammy and I. 

"But you Sammy, I don't know whether you're a liar, or a good friend." He looked directly at Sammy, causing him to tense up.

"You knew he was dead, didn't you child?" Oliver stepped even closer towards us.

"I-I wasn't sure. I thought he was alive actually so I-"

"LIAR!" Oliver raised a hand and smacked it harshly across Sammy's face. 

I saw red.

I stood up quickly from my bed, and I could feel my blood pressure rising. I felt a new sense of rage pulse through my veins, and I wanted to use it. I wanted to test the strength empowered by the anger and fury I felt running through my body. Perhaps taking away Oliver's breath would suffice and I-

"SCOTT STOP!" I heard Sammy's voice shriek, and with a shake of the head I noticed that I had two hands wrapped around Oliver's throat with their clear intentions to strangle him. 

Oliver's face was red, but he was smiling for an odd reason. I let go of him quickly, taking a few steps back. 

"Extraordinary. Your eyes were a blood red that entire time." Oliver said after he cleared his throat.

"You didn't even realize what you were doing. Evidence that you experienced a loss of control." He smirked. 

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"I triggered your instincts to maim. I practically made you want to act with violence. It's quite incredible."

"Why? How? That's never happened before." I asked, growing afraid.

"Things are changing Scott. You're changing. You're become more." He smirked.

"I'm not. You're wrong. That was nothing. You hit him, and I grew angry. That's it." I shook my head.

"Right but, how far would you have gone if Sammy wouldn't have brought you back?" Oliver questioned me.

"I-I'm not sure-"

"Exactly. You had no control Scott." Oliver sneered.

"Then why did you do that? If you knew I would have no control, why would you put yourself in that situation? I could've killed you." I asked. 

"I knew he would be able to bring you back. You're the nicotine Scott." Oliver said as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his back pocket. 

"Nicotine?" Sammy asked before I could. Oliver then picked out a single cigar, and handed it to me.

"A narcotic addicted to violence and destruction. Once lit, incapable of being put out unless stepped on." Oliver said, and then seconds later he handed Sammy a lighter before adding,

"He's the lighter, capable of igniting the single flame that will make you burn and fill up your lungs with black smoke of obliteration," Sammy lit the lighter in his hands. "Or he can put it out before the narcotic poison's your body." Sammy blew it out.

"Therefore you're not as strong as you could be. He gives you the control you should't have." The rise in Oliver's voice made me uneasy.

"You cannot be weak Scott." He taunted.

"Therefore, one of these days I'll get rid of your lighter. All three of them." Oliver's laugh following this statement made me uncomfortable, but before I could ask him anymore questions, he left the room suddenly.

"He's going to kill us isn't he?" Sammy shakily whispered. 


"But you heard what he said!-"

"I heard what he said, and I know what to do."

"And that is?"

"You heard him Sammy. I'm the narcotic, you three are my lighters. I have to kill the addict. Simple."

And kill the addict is what I'll do.


I'm currently recovering from surgery, but I'm getting back into writing now that I can move my upper body again.

Much love everyone!

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