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After Oliver left the room, Sammy and I let out breaths of relief we didn't even know we were holding.

"How do you plan on killing the addict when he holds all the cards? He knows more about us then we ourselves. It's almost like playing the devil." Sammy said as he walked over to his bed.

"God did it. God won." I shrugged.

"Well you're not God." Sammy scoffed.

"Right but, it means playing the devil is possible." I walked over to my bed as well.

"This is different. Scott just face it, this is going to be a lot harder than we think. He knows everything! He could use our own abilities against us for crying out loud!" Sammy exclaimed.

"Not if we figure them out. They're our bodies, we should be able to figure out our strengths and weaknesses on our own." I reasoned.

"And if we can't?" Sammy asked.

"We don't have a choice Sammy." I shook my head.

"Tomorrow morning we'll go out to the courtyard and discuss some things with London and Alice. Get some rest now, I have a feeling we're gonna make some big decisions. I wanna get out of here." I added as I got beneath my blankets.

"Leave?! Scott we can't leave!" Sammy almost yelled.

"We could if we wanted to." I shrugged.

"Want and can are two very different things." Sammy retaliated.

"I just don't want anyone to get hurt." Sammy sighed. I rolled over in my bed, my back now facing Sammy.

"Go to sleep Sammy. No one's getting hurt."

"The last time we said that, Bailey died the next day." Sammy whispered, and then our bedroom lamp was turned off.


The following morning I woke up sweating bullets, I dreamt of Bailey.

Sammy was already up and out of bed, and he was changing into a dark blue shirt. I got up to do the same, I washed my face and brushed my teeth before changing into the same uniform shirt.

"Breakfast should be ready." Sammy mumbled before leaving our bedroom, his lack of interaction with me was very strange.

After somewhat making my bed, I left our bedroom and went into the kitchen. The girls and Sammy were already eating waffles, and they were chatting among themselves.

"Good morning everyone." I smiled.

"Morning Scott! Breakfast is hot, eat up." London said to me, handing me a fixed plate. I thanked her, and then I took a seat next to her.

"It's Friday, what are we gonna do today?" Alice asked before she took a sip of her orange juice.

Fridays were the only days we didn't have testing. It was the perfect day to discuss our future plans.

"I say we go out to the courtyard and get some fresh air, we haven't gone out in a while." I suggested, hoping they'd agree.

"That sounds nice, I haven't seen the sky in so long!" London nodded.

"Yes, and I heard they put out a new flower bed, I haven't seen it yet." Alice agreed.

"Then it's settled, after we finish eating we'll head out." I smiled.

I looked over at Sammy, and I noticed he was giving me somewhat of a glare. He was the only one who knew that the only reason I truly wanted to go out, was to plot a risky plan that it the long run would only benefit us. Not stupid fresh air.

After a few minutes, we were all making our way outside. London and Alice were giggling the whole way there, while Sammy was playing with his fingers.

We made it out, and we walked over to our favorite bench. Flower beds were all around it, and Alice seemed to admire flowers more than anything else on this world. London was staring at the sky, she had an obsession with its color blue and pattern of clouds.

"Have a seat everyone, it's so beautiful out." I took in a deep breath.

Sammy chose to lay in the green grass, he hadn't said a word yet.

The rest of us had small conversations for a little while, and when I thought the time was right, I brought up the heavy topic.

"What are our views on leaving this place. Finding out what more we can do. Finding out what we can't do. Finding out what's beyond this building."

Alice only looked at me, and London grew wide eyed. Sammy closed his eyes and avoided my gaze.

"Scott I don't think-" I cut Alice off,

"Just listen to this okay? If we get out of here, we wouldn't be have to worry about becoming machines or weapons. No more testing, no more torture. We'd be free guys."

"Freedom comes with a cost you know that." Alice firmly stated.

"Bailey paid that price before." Sammy finally spoke up.




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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2016 ⏰

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