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I gasped as I snapped my eyes open. I was looking straight up at a ceiling, and I took a moment to turn my head and study my surroundings.

I was in my bedroom.

I slowly sat up in my bed, and noticed my friends were all in the room with me. London and Alice were asleep in Sammy's bed, and Sammy was asleep at the foot of my own.

"You're awake." Sammy's voice startled me. He was still lying down, but his eyes were now open and looking straight at me.

"So are you." I smiled at him.

"I've been awake. I was just resting my eyes for a little bit." He yawned as he sat up in his place.

"Why haven't you slept?" I asked him.

"Couldn't," He shrugged. "I needed to know you were okay." Though I saw the way he tensed up at the question.

"I'm alright. So now tell me why you were really awake all this time."

"I know you're alright now. Though let's face it, if it were me unconscious for fifteen hours you wouldn't sleep a wink either and I-" He was trying to avoid the question, but I wasn't having it.

"Sammy," I firmly stated. "What aren't you telling me?"

"The same thing I haven't told anyone else for the past fifteen hours." He sighed.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"You blacked out and wouldn't wake up no matter how loud Alice screamed for you. London screamed for you as well, but you still didn't wake up." He replied shakily.


"I screamed too. I probably screamed louder than London but you still didn't wake up." He began to hyperventilate.

"Hey calm down-"

"Calm down? Calm down?! How can you tell me to calm down when I thought you were dead!" Sammy jumped off the bed breathing heavily, and the girls began to stir in their sleep.

"I didn't die." I said softly, standing up from the bed as well and trying to calm him.

"Well I had every right to think so." He scoffed, waving his hands around in clear frustration.

"What do you mean?"

"Boys? What's going on?" Alice's voice filled the air as she slowly sat up in bed. London was awake as well, lying completely still beside her.

"I can't believe I couldn't hear it." Sammy whispered as he shook his head.

"Scott what's he talking about?" Alice asked me, just as confused as I was.

"I don't know," I said with a shrug but I quickly returned my attention to Sammy. "Sammy, what couldn't you hear?"

"I can hear it all all the time, I always do! I-I couldn't hear it this time and I tried so hard!" Sammy began to cry.

"What are you talking about buddy?" I stepped closer to him.

"Your heart! I couldn't hear it! It wasn't beating Scott. You were dead. I knew you were dead, but I just didn't say anything. I knew that no matter how loud London or Alice screamed, you couldn't hear them because you were already gone." He fell to his knees and I ran to be beside him.

I could hear Alice gasp, and I could tell by London's sniffles that she was now crying.

"T-then why did you bring me up here? If you knew I was dead then-"

"I didn't want Oliver to dispose of you like a piece of garbage." He cried as he leaned against me.

"He asked me. Oliver asked me to listen for your heartbeat. H-he was screaming at me and I-I got so afraid of what he'd do to you that I said it was still there. Still beating loud and strong." Sammy continued, and I shed a few tears as well.

"But there was no sound at all. I couldn't hear anything." He whimpered, and by now the girls had gotten out of bed and joined Sammy and I on the ground.

"I couldn't sleep knowing you weren't actually sleeping." Sammy admitted, and I pulled him closer to me. I pulled him close enough for his head to be right over my chest.

"What do you hear now?" I asked.

"Y-your heart. It's loud and it's strong." Sammy sniffled.

"And it's not stopping anytime soon." I assured him.

"But it-"

"It just needed a break. After all it's been through it deserved some rest don't you think? It wasn't permanent."

"It could've been. What if I reacted differently and said what I actually heard? Oliver and his men would've disposed of you." Sammy said softly.

"It wasn't though, and you did the right thing Sammy."

"But what happens when I don't? What happens when I don't know what to do and they end up killing you guys?" He lifted his head up to face me.

"You don't have to worry about that. They can't kill us remember? After all the hell we've been through, I'd say we're indestructible." I said sincerely with a small smile.

Sammy nodded and before I could say anything else, his eyes widened and he stood up.

"Sammy what's wrong?" London asked him before I could.

"Shh, listen." He held a finger to his lips.

"Sammy what do you hear?" I questioned, and he soon began to repeat what he heard

"Affirmative. Trial 29 is in room 4B. Project SM has successfully brought himself back. The final tests will proceed as ordered, all failing subjects will be terminated. The finest weaponry is in motion."

"What the hell does that mean?" Allison asked once Sammy had finished.

"They were watching us this whole time-" London was in shock, but I cut her off once I realized something.

"They knew. They knew I was dead, and this was all some sort of test."

"Does that mean you passed it?" Sammy asked.

"I-I guess so, but why would they need to test if I can bring myself back from the dead?"

"Weaponry. Sammy didn't you say something about weaponry?" Alice asked, receiving a slow nod from him.

"They're probably talking about us. We're the weaponry." She spoke quickly, clearly afraid.

"Turning us into indestructible weapons. Gotta say, that's a nice touch. Classy." London said, and Alice snapped at her.

"This is serious! They're going to try and turn us into killing machines!"

"I'm aware of that thank you, but some of us handle horrifying news differently Alice. I tend to add a dose of sarcasm to my tongue." London hissed.

"Guys! Calm down. We have to figure this out together. None of us are becoming weapons. I won't let that happen." I promised.

"But y-you passed the test, you're clearly on the right track for them. So, what about the rest of us?" Alice questioned.

"All failing subjects will be terminated." Sammy whispered, and I snapped my head in his direction.


"They're going to kill us," Sammy clarified. "And they're going to use Scott to do it."


What do you think??

ily all!

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