Third Piece: Miden

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I don't remember too much of what happened the next few days.

Khie held me tightly as she ran, and I stared at her, emotionless. "Shirou, why are we running?"

If you don't run they'll kill you too...

"Because the mean people who took Shirou away are coming after us too," she replied between pants, but I didn't acknowledge her.

"Why don't we just kill them?" I asked the Voice, tilting my head.

Killing isn't always right.

"Because Shirou wouldn't like that."

"But I killed the mean people," I trembled, a few tears forming. "Do you hate me Shirou? I don't want you to hate me...please don't hate me, I didn't mean to I didn't want to I didn't want to kill them I don't know what I did..."

Everything's going to be fine

"No nothing is fine you're dead you're gone you can't come back to me you were the only reason I'm alive you left me where are you I need you please come back what am I supposed to do without you what do I do WHAT DO I DO--"

"Dhiesar, calm down," Khie's voice snapped me from my ramblings and I realized that my vision had gone hazy. My red stained shirt was getting darker, and my mother was wiping something from my eyes.


No, no, I can't be cr

I don't remember what happened after that, until I found myself standing on a gray strip of stone, a lamppost above me as the night sky loomed above. It was almost a coaly black, but tinted blue, little stars shining. I was staring straight ahead, my small hand holding onto my mother's as a little light across the darker stone road shone red.

I felt empty and numb, slightly nauseous - almost dizzy - until I felt someone's gaze on me. I felt it on the back of my head, making my hair stand up.

I turned and saw a boy about my age with light hazel hair and pretty blue eyes. He was wearing a black coat of some sort with a white collar and buttons, a yellow hat hanging behind his head and a yellow bang slung from his shoulder. He had pale skin, just like mine.

His eyes looked blank, like they'd never held an emotion in their life.

His eyes were like mine.

Look at that, he's just like you! Why don't you say 'hello?'

I found the courage and gave him a small smile and a wave, which he blinked at, almost confused before slowly waving back. We stared at each other for a bit before something seemed to wash over me.

Like a sense of importance. What was this?

This is your Ability get used to it

I frowned, confused before seeing him mouth something. "Who?"

I was about to respond, almost mechanically when the light across the dark stones turned white and Khie pulled me off. I stumbled at the sudden movement, turning around to look at the boy.

Our eyes met again and I waved again in farewell, one that he returned (again) but subtly.

My mother pulled me off to a small house that was in short walls, a few trees (finally something I recognized!) growing in small plots of soil. Telling me that it was our new home, I would have questioned her about the absurdly small house until Shirou's Voice told me not to complain. Complying, I let Khie give me to Ishamet, who lead me off to a small room with two beds - one for him, one for me.

I settled down without questioning anything, simply collapsing on the bed, curling into a ball, falling asleep as soon I landed.

Waking up the next morning was hard. I didn't want to wake up in the tiny room. I didn't want to re-discover that my horns (my poor poor horns) were gone, that Shirou was dead, that I was no longer in the world that I knew and loved.

But I knew I would.

So I forced my eyes open, screwed my mouth shut and got up without a word, digging through the wardrobe and taking out a black coat with a white collar and buttons and put it on. Ishamet put a yellow hat on my head and slung the yellow bag over my shoulder and instructed me to go downstairs and eat breakfast.

I complied, not speaking, only listening to Shirou's Voice.

The kitchen is just to the left of the bottom of the stairs, then a right

I followed his directions and saw Khie wearing a strange long piece of cloth strapped to the front part of her body, a tight white shirt on with pants made of a strange blue material.

Go on, ask her for something to eat

"M...mommy?" I tugged on her strange cloth thing and she looked down at me. "May I have breakfast?"

Khie nodded, telling me to wait for a moment.

Just be patient...this place isn't what you're used to

I looked around and nodded. "Sasuke, there's a boy in your grade living next door, in the 'Jin' household. Why don't you walk to school with him?" Sasuke? Who is that? I looked around, wondering who she might be talking to about 'grades' but saw no one.

She's talking to you

I looked up at Khie and she was, indeed, looking at me.

Is that a new nickname? I got a bit excited. I'd never had a nickname besides 'Dhisa,' which was what Hyuse and Enedra called me. I nodded eagerly, before frowning. "Breakfast?" Khie handed me a small box made of a slick material.

"You can eat that on the way to school." School? I'd never gone to school before... "You need to pretend you're a commoner, Sasuke. We'll be safe from the mean men here as long as you don't tell anyone your name is Dhiesar, and never tell them you're from Aftokrator. Okay?"

I still didn't know the importance of that rule she told me at the time. I'd shook it off, excusing it as a game of pretend as Shirou's death still loomed over me. The moment she said "Aftokrator" I began to shake, images of blood and dead bodies filling my mind.

What are you so afraid of?

I'm afraid of everything, I replied, turning around and running to the door, trying to shrug off the feeling of dread and grief attempting to overtake me again. As the sunlight met my eyes, it smelled pleasantly of grass. Looking both ways as I hesitantly peeked my head out of the walls, I saw large odd metal things with wheels.

Slowly leaving the safe haven of the walls, I turned to my right and began to walk down. I looked at the wall in front of the building, which read 'Jin.'

Jin? That's a Miden name, I noted, before opening the gate and going to the door. I saw a doorbell (another familiar thing) and pressed it for a few seconds before my hands fell to my side again.

It took only a few moments before the door opened, and I saw the same hazel haired boy from the night before.

I smiled at him, clasping my hands behind my back in a nervous manner.

"Do you want to go to school together?"

I don't know if things got better or worse from there.

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