Chapter 21

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Caitlin quirked her head to the side as Cisco and Joe entered in a silent 'You OK?'

Cisco nodded with a small flash of a smile before sauntering over to sit at the desk once again.

The detective returned to his seat beside his son. Placing his head in his hands, he let his eyes follow a faffing Felicity.

"You OK?" He asked the blonde. Joe felt like a counselor of some sort today.

Felicity snapped her head up from where she was attaching an IV to Barry. Joe didn't fail to note the shine in her eyes and the way her hands trembled slightly - similar to Cisco.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm OK. It's just - "

Her breath hitched and she cast her gaze back to the IV.

"Just?" Prompted Caitlin who had now joined the conversation.

"Just, it's all so messed up." She finished, her hands dropping to her sides and her face falling into Caitlin's open arms. Quietly, she began to sob.

"Felicity, I know this is a little different to what we're used to." Caitlin soothed, rubbing a comforting hand up and down her back whilst exchanging a gloomy look with her husband. "But it'll turn out fine in the end. I promise." She didn't fully know who she was trying to reassure, Felicity or herself.

Slowly, Felicity's shoulders began to shake less and less and finally, she pulled back from Caitlin. Mascara ran down her face but she wiped it away with her fingers.

"Where's Oliver and Diggle?" She inquired, looking behind the small crowd of people that had appeared.

"Um, good question." Said Ronnie, crossing his arms. He hadn't known Barry long, but knew that he meant a lot to Caitlin. To tell the truth, the boy had a way of wriggling his way into your heart. Shame the same couldn't be said for mister bow and arrow, wherever he was. Perhaps the Starling vigilante was made of tougher stuff, or was it the constant intimidation radiating off him? The fact he trusted very few people or the power he seemed to hide? Either way, Ronnie was pretty sure he had something to do with what happened to Barry. And he didn't like it.

"I think I saw Mr Diggle escorting him away from the drama taking place near the elevator earlier." Stein said, shrugging his shoulders.

"I can ring John now. Tell him to meet us up here in five?" Felicity suggested.

Cisco and Caitlin nodded and returned to monitoring Barry. Already, the gash on his temple from the jewelers had completely disappeared and his nose was beginning to straighten - with the help of Caitlin. The swelling had gone down on his shoulder and his breathing seemed more consistent.

"He should be awake in no time." Assured Cisco, looking first at Joe, then at Ronnie and Martin. The three men nodded and returned to their brooding positions.


Diggle practically frog-marched Oliver with him to the cortex. He didn't like the idea that Oliver had something to do with the state Barry was in and the fact that most of the people in S.T.A.R Labs knew the speedster better than his best friend didn't exactly help matters. He understood, whatever Oliver had done was bad, but Barry had to have been part of it as well, and there was no way - memory or not - that he was letting Oliver be blamed for everything.

Felicity caught sight of them first.

"Where have you been?" She murmured once she was close enough for them to hear.

"Just a little evening stroll." Replied Diggle, letting his gaze wonder over the petite blonde and towards the people approaching on the far side of the room.

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