Chapter 3

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We're not in Kansas anymore

Light shines to even the darkest of corners. And darkness reaches to even the brightest of places.

Our room was perfect for me. It was dark. Ever since my sister's death I have been a fan of the dark. It calms my nerves down knowing that you don't know what is coming at or towards you. I had my schedule when Luke decided to take a shower in our bathroom. The bathroom was so big. You had two baths and two showers. There was even a chest with I guess all of Luke's "things."

"Sadly I knew no one here. It makes it better though I guess because then that makes people think I am mysterious. Also they don't know what happened one year ago. I decided to talk to some of the people. I felt like going to the counselor and find out what is wrong with me. I don't like to talk to people because if I talked to them memories come to my mind. I still remember everything clearly. It's as if it happened yesterday."

The beds were on opposite sides of the room. There were three windows but here is the problem. The showers don't have doors and I didn't notice it till now. "knock" "knock." Some one was at the door. Luke got out of the shower "hard" I might add and answered the door. "Hey your roomie here?" It was a little high pitched voice. "Yeah he just arrived," Luke sounded as if he was upset that I wasn't gay or something. "Hey Zidane would you come to the door for a second?" He asked me like he didn't know I was already coming or something.

When I got to the door I saw the most pretty girl ever. Looking at her got me hard straight away. "Hey my name is Hannah and I am going to be helping you around the school. My dorm number is 570. Also I love your necklace." I haven't even noticed that it changed when I entered the school. Now it's a pair of wings that are connected to a black chain that curves around my neck five times. I really loved it myself. "Hey Hannah do you want to go get something to eat sometime?" I asked her with confidence and maybe she will agree to go. "Hey sure why not you seem bleak and strange and dinner is what you need to open up." She said her words as if she was reading my mind. Now I at least know two people.

The rest of the day went by fairly slow. It's 11:30 now. Our days and nights are switches. I am getting ready for my date with Hannah. She was so beautiful. Ever since I met her I couldn't keep my mind off of her. I decided to wear my Aeropostal pants with my really tight under armor shirt with my black hoodie. I didn't know what to where for shoes so I grabbed my black Jordan's. I wear black so much that people think I am emo but I'm not. I am really fond of the color black. I also grabbed my necklace and Luke's bracelet he gave me. He told me to wear it everywhere I go because it's my identification. I thought my necklace was my id but I guess not.

Anyways Hannah also wore black. She had a tight black dress on that you don't usually see girls wearing. I personally loved it. "Where are we going?" She asked like she didn't already know. "I was hoping to go to Kurtz. I hear that it's a good fancy restaurant." I never heard of anything like that. It's just where I always took Gianna for our anniversary. We headed out. When we got to the car my back
started to get sore. I don't know why but it is definitely sore and killing me.

The restaurant was really fancy. it only took us fifteen minutes to get there. It was nice I guess. I never met someone so graceful so I didn't know what to say or do. She sat with ease, ate with ease, and got back up with ease. when we decided to leave we paid the bill which came to $254.76. When we got back to the car my throat got irritated and I started to cough up blood. Thankfully Hannah didn't see because this is something I didn't want her to see.

We made it back to school right before our classes started. My classes are as followed, 1. Latin 2. Vamp Sociology 3. gym 4. Archery 5. horse training 6. lunch 7. Defensive Fighting 8. Free period 9. Drama. I am going to hate gym, drama wont be so bad, but the best thing will have to be horse training. I love to be with horses. It calms my mind. By this time we were at Hannah's dorm. "Hey do you want to come in?" Hannah asked me right as I was about to leave. "Isn't your roommate here?" At this time I began to wonder who her roommate was. "No she left to go to the mall." Wow she went to the mall. I should've went. I need a new pair of boots; maybe stilettos. "Sure, why not." I didn't really want to go in cause I know where this kind of stuff leads. I still went in and sat in the corner on a bean-bag chair.

I swear someone was watching me. I felt their eyes on my back. I turned around and saw someone standing there. "My dear child why do you wear such a cursed thing around your wrist?" This woman was there but she wasn't. "Who are you?" I was curious but I really didn't want to know who she was. "My dear child I am the one and only goddess that this place worships. By coming here you answered my call. Your tattoo and necklace was given to you by me. See you asked for a miracle and that is what brought you here. My name is Etro and I plan on helping you through your change.

I didn't know what she talking about. I really don't care either. I wish she would leave so I can get to class but no matter how hard I tried to make her leave she wouldn't. It was then that my arm started to hurt and the dragon on my arm had opened its mouth and was breathing ice. My whole arm down went ice cold. But it didn't bother me. My other arm started to hurt and the moon was carved into my hand allowing me to call onto shadows. "My dear child, you have many gifts that you don't yet know about. These tattoos can either grow or disappear. All you have to do is ask. Know though the tattoos give you your power. I can move them and change them but they are always with you. Remember that you cant have darkness without light, and you cant have light without darkness."

With that she vanished. I ran. I didn't know where I was going but I did know that I had to get out of there. Hannah may have been wondering where I went but I didn't care. All I wanted to do was leave. As I saw Luke in the hall I took off his bracelet and threw it at him. I ran outside and stopped underneath a distant tree. I than noticed that it was snowing and that my arm was going colder. I looked down to see the snow coming out of my hand. Great now I have the power to control ice and don't have any idea how to wield it.

Then I heard a scream. It was a scream like non-other. It was loud and it pierced the air. The scream was coming from me. I couldn't help but just scream. And then I coughed up more blood and Luke came running to me and he called for the head mistress. My head and back hurt. What was happening? Why am I in so much pain? Is this the feeling people get when they are dying? So many questions but no answers. My voice quickly got louder and louder. The last thing I saw before I blacked out was blood and a lot of it. It was pouring out of my mouth like water. I was horrified but couldn't do anything. Then everything went black.

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