Chapter 5

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"Not everyone lives in the past. Not everyone lives for the future. But me, I live for the present."

I woke up at 7:30 pm since our days and nights are switched. I wasn't ready to go back to school but I decided to go so I got my boots and jacket. Instead of walking I used my wings to fly. I arrived during first period. So I hurriedly ran to Mrs. Esther's class of Latin. Esther seemed nice when I met her in the hall but teachers change through the year. Latin cant be too hard because I already had it.

When taking our places I sat next to the two new girls. Tabby and Exalea. Luke was no where to be found. I felt happy that he was gone but sad because it was because of me. I am still mad at him for what he did. I mean he knows I am not a gay guy so he hugs me while I am taking a shower after I told him to leave. I mean who does that to someone. I calmed down and wondered about other stuff to keep my attitude calm and collected.

Tabby was talking to the girl beside her and Exalea was not paying attention to anything. I got hot and turned the ice on. Thankfully no one noticed. I also wasn't the only one hot. We were learning the basics when I zoned out. I didn't care what we were learning because if it was something new it wouldn't be too difficult for me to learn.

After Latin was over we went to Vamp Sociology. My favorite person Mrs. Lacey the head mistress was teaching this class. "Zidane would you please read the answer to question one?" I don't have the answer. "Ma'am I wasn't here to get the assignment." She stiffened and stared at me. "Look at the question then and answer it." I heard the anger. "It would be mana that controls magic and every living thing." I don't know how I knew the answer but it was correct.

The rest of the day went fast. I didn't really pay any attention to the other classes. I was too worried about where Luke was. He may have pissed me off but he was still my roommate. "Hey Zidane we found Luke and you better hurry." Before I knew it Hannah was here and gone in seconds. I knew what had happened before I saw the body because I smelled the blood. He was stabbed in the heart with my dagger that someone had to have known I have in my room.

I was never able to tell him sorry or goodbye. "MOVE out of my way. I need to see him to tell the death." Lacey sounded please to know he was dead. That is when i saw him myself. His body was laying in the middle of the hall. It was so disfigured I had to do a double take to know if it was actually him. Sadly it was Luke and he was sure enough dead. I didn't even notice that I pulled his body close to me and held him crying. It took six of the school's warriors to get me away from him. I cried myself asleep that night and didn't care who was with me.

"Zidane you should have another roommate. What if something was to happen to you next?" I was in the main office with Hannah and Lacey. They wanted me to get another roommate but I didn't want one. I didn't want to lose another person. "I will not have another roommate." Now I am even more pissed. "Your new roommate is Exalea and she will be moved in by the time you get back. Wings or no wings you can't beat her. Now about the dagger."

"Who knows that you have it?" I had to think about it. "The only people who knows about it is you, Hannah, and Mrs. Hopkins, and of course Luke." After that I decided to just go to my room and see how everything was going. The door was cracked a little and I looked inside to see boxes everywhere. "Hey Exalea are you in here?" She walked in and stopped in front of me.

She put her head down and started to whisper softly. "I am sorry to be here so soon. I had to come when I heard I was coming here. We were good friends in class. I don't want to replace him though. He will always own this dorm." She was so sweet. I don't want to be rude. "Hey don't worry about me. I'll be okay. You do what you want." I wanted it to be true but honestly I am dead inside.

When I went into my room and laid down. My head was spinning. Suddenly my phone went off. I looked at who was calling and was surprised to see who it was. "Hello." I didn't know how to talk to someone that I haven't seen in thirteen years. "Hey honey how have you been? I heard about your sister and came to say I am sorry to hear what happened to her. I would also love to met you for your birthday. Bring a few friends if you want to. Also your step brother may be coming." I wanted him to come. "Sure I will come see you and I will bring my friend." I hung up knowing what was about to go down.

As I went to the kitchen to get cereal I saw Exalea walking in and decided that I was going to take her to the meet. "Hey Exalea will you come with me to meet my mother?" She looked at me and then went bleak. "Sure I will just have to catch up with my school later." As we got to the car to meet my mom she stopped. "Hey Zidane, I know this may seem weird but lately I have been able to read minds. I know that right now your thinking about not going. So my question for you is, what happened between you guys?"

I honestly didn't know myself. I knew little of what had happened. "Basically my mom got remarried and I hated the other family. My sister didn't want me with them anyways so she took me." More happened but it was something only I wanted to know. "Hey lets just get this over with and then we can head back okay?" I smiled at her and we drove towards the mall.

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