Chapter 7

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The Girl With Green Hair

When something seems bad remember you had to of have a good to get to the bad. So now you will get a good.

     Hannah's PoV

     I wasn't there for the prep talk. I was only there to see my beautiful boyfriends and his sexy butt and abs. Luckily he wasn't wearing a t-shirt so it proved to be useful. Every time I stare into those yellow golden eyes I feel like he wants to die or something. One minute hurt is in his eyes and the next he is stiff or sometimes its love for me. I love him and am somewhat glad Luke is gone because now no one will know that I also got lost in his eyes. Yeah he is gay but that was after we dated. He was actually a ladies man.

     "Hannah did you get that?" My focus dropped. "Oh uh repeat please." Now I felt really dumb. "Like I said you and lacey are to stay here and me and Exalea will take two more people with us to meet Rydia." Was he mad at me? Maybe he always sounds like that. I haven't noticed. "You know what you hang out more with Exalea, why don't you just date her instead!" I have no idea why I said that. I was just getting so pissed since he hangs out more with her than me.

     "Now you listen here bitch, I just went through his mother and brother with him It was me who helped him through his vision. I have even imprinted with him so watch what you fucking say about me. You know shit unless you imprint because trust me Zelde is a twisted and fucked up like your small tiny blond ass brain." Damn was Exalea mad but I was not going to let her talk to me that way. "I really don't think I'm the bitch because I don't fuck every guy I see. No I wasn't here for Zelde but at least I can please him in many more ways than you." She was really pissing me off to where I was seriously going to just knock the shit out of her. "Bitch I imprinted on him, anything you did I felt what he was feeling. I know what he was thinking at the time and believe me it wasn't you."

     Oh I had it. I round housed her. She started to pull my hair and I bit her on the leg. God her blood rushed into my mouth with such explosion I thought I was tasting heaven. "Zelde what is wrong? Why are you holding your head?" Lacey was talking to Zelde because he was holding his head. "Blood entered her mouth and believe me the reactants are working. They both are feeling pleasure at least Exalea is. "What was Zelde talking about? Reactants, and pleasure. Omg her blood. I forgot all about that. When a vampire tastes blood it causes the vampire and victim to get aroused. Basically I was pleasuring her instead of hurting her.

     I pulled off as fast as I got on and ran and jumped on Zelde. "Help she aroused me and now it wont go down." I wanted him to fuck me then and there but people were around. "Get off him before I call fire and burn your scrawny little ass." I heard her before I saw her. It was Rydia. She was right in the office with us. "Weren't you suppose to  wait at the orphanage? And what gives you the right to tell me what to do with my boyfriend you whore?" Now I was even more pissed. God I wish people would leave me and him alone.

      "I am Rydia at your service. I am a grand summoner and Zelde over there is my brother. I am his sister. Everyone thought I died but when I did your goddess brought me back. Basically I was born again but I am no vampire. I am what you would call a witch, summoner, demon, warlock, or even a sage. I mainly summon though. I can use black and white magic but I am more advanced at summoning. I know I was suppose to wait at the orphanage but once I found out that my little but older brother was here I couldn't wait, I had to see him. Didn't I tell you to get off? Fire burn her ass." OUCH! "Fucking bitch you may be able to call magic but I can call on elements. Ice come to me!" I wanted to freeze her right where she was standing.

     "Are you seriously trying to use my own element against my sister?" Zelde had hurt in his eyes again. "She used fire to burn me." Was he siding with her. Why was he siding with her? "She is my sister and if you EVER go to use MY element against her believe me two summoners together is tougher to beat. Also we are more powerful since there is a blood connection." I had to blink fast to keep the tears away. I felt betrayed. I ran out of the office and headed to the dorm.

Rydia's PoV

     Thankfully the bitch left. "Hey since you know a little white magic can you cure my leg so I can walk?" Oh lord I didn't even notice her leg was hurting. "Yeah hold still it will hurt. Cure! That should feel better." Sadly none of them knew the more I used my power the closer to death I became. I came back but there were exceptions. 1)limited magic 2)no love 3)no connections. Obviously I wasn't following two of them but the goddess said love for your brother and a connection with your brother is okay. "Hey do you think I can stay here so that way we can deal with the evil faster. The school books should have some info on the demons." Lacey shook her head yes and I went to the library.

     "Zelde your wings look great and all but why are they different colors?" He shifted to see his wings and I saw the mark under his jacket. "Zelde take your jacket off now. Quickly!" He was shocked but did what I asked. Just as I thought he had the mark of the jade. His tattoos' proved that. The fact that he controlled ice and shadow and he is a seraph from heaven itself tells that also. No one knows this but no evil will enter Zelde's head because its already there. He is a seraph from heaven that has fallen from grace. He was once one of the top 5 leaders. Because he fell in love with a mortal the other leaders sacked him and he left the heavens to be with her.

Zelde's PoV

     How the hell was I suppose to make it through this. My head hurts because fucking Hannah never knows what she is doing. My sister is dead but alive and I lost my tattoo. Yup that's right I no longer have the dragon but a new one. Now it is a crescent moon with a triquetra in it. I didn't know how to tell people about it so I never left the dorm. If I would've left they would've noticed straight away. The moon was on my lower back. I love the design but if someone's hand gets any lower there are going to be touching my ass.

     Well I might as well leave because there is no use hiding away forever. As I was travelling the hall I saw Rydia in the library with a book that said The Mark of The Jade. I wasn't really going to ask what the book was about so I decided to find Exalea. Omg my dick was getting really hard. Why was I getting aroused? Then I figured it out. Where is Exalea and who is she with? I figured maybe I was going crazy and my dick is just naturally getting hard. Or was it Exalea? There is no answer what so ever either way. I am just going to have to get through it.

     'Oh my god Zelde are you feeling pleasure over there?' I was shocked by Exalea's voice coming over the mind connection. 'Yeah but only through the connection we share.' By this time I honestly didn't know if what I was saying was true. With what is happening nothing seems true anymore. Every legend you heard of is all true. My life is at a stop. I have nothing to do. Where do we go from here? We cant go back to where everything is fine because nothing is fine. Nothing will ever be the same again.

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