Chapter 9

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The Pain and Torment

We are all on a teeter-totter when we are up we are good. But then something happens and we go down and get bad.

Exalea's PoV

Where the fuck is Zidane? Where could he have gone? I will just have to ask Rydia. I decided to just sit and wait though. I am not going to be a mother to him. If he wants to leave that is his business and none of mine. "Hey Exalea we need you in the office. Please hurry after you get done doing whatever your doing. Thank you." I didn't know who was calling me but I think it was the new warrior Mordred. Lacey added them once me and Zidane was attacked by his mother and step-brother.

The office was packed with people when I went in to see whoever called me. "Great now that you are here we would like to know how long ago it was that you talked to Zidane?" Who is this bitch talking to me in such a tone? "Umm listen I don't know you but what I do know is I am stronger. But to answer your question I haven't seen or heard from him since yesterday maybe. Why is it any of your concern?" Damn people need to watch what they say to me.

"Exalea that is no way to speak to a human who is guest at our school." Did Lacey just say human? "Excuse me but last I checked I didn't want to be here. To be honest I don't want to talk about Zidane. I don't care where he is and none of you need to know either. He left and that is all you need to know." Then we all saw Rydia running into the office. "I know where Zidane is! He is where this all began. He is in heaven." Her scream pierced all of our ears. "He has regained his throne and is no longer one with Etro." Ah Hell!

Zidane's PoV

I have only been her for one hour and I have already began rejecting the change. My eyes are no longer yellow but they are now blue. They are not even the normal blue they are an icy blue. Also I am not allowed to wear a shirt anymore. I am only allowed to wear jeans and no shoes. I also have to watch what I think because some people can read minds. I also cant do nothing that doesn't concern fire. Every now and then my body gets engulfed in flames. I was shocked at first but now I have gotten used to it.

"Hey son you are needed in the coliseum, sir." This boy had a tattoo on his head that read Deceived. "Sure but I want my original power back. I miss the cool sensation of ice." Ice was my natural element since I am alone all the time and love the snow and cold. I guess this will be better though. Who was this kid though? He doesn't look like the angels that were here when I left.

"If you want ice, then go to the main building and ask for it." I now figured out that this was Jackob the gay angel. Was he kidding about the ice thing? "Cheer for me at the coliseum and you may get rewarded." I ran to the building and found a secretary. She was a little small for her age. She was 27 but she looked 5'4.

"I am here for my powers." She stared up and pointed to a man across the room. "I don't understand just give my powers." She got up and pointed to the guy again. "Ask him for your powers or get out." The man was looking at papers when I went over. "Ah Zidane Fujibiatch we are so happy you came back to join us. We prayed you would return." I didn't have any idea who this person was. He sounded like one of the grand judges. "Yeah I am glad to be back. Now I want to know if I can get all my powers and elements back?"

Everybody just stared at me. I didn't now why. "Well you are a seraph. It is possible to get them back but let me tell you it will be painful. You will go through some trails and they will make you wish you were dead. Go to the portal and speak the power you want." The portal was like a mirror in the air. It shimmered like water. "Summoning," I had no idea why but I knew what I was going to face when I go through summoning.

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