Chapter 4

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Pain is always dealt with happiness. In order to have happiness you have to feel pain. Pain demands to be felt.

     I woke surprised that I was alive. My whole body was freezing. I never cared about the cold but today it was different. It was as if half of my brain was working to make heat. I don't now where I am but it is bright. "Hey are you okay? You blacked out." It was Hannah. I knew she wouldn't leave me. She was always with me wherever I went. "Not really I cant feel my back, and I am freezing." "Well I can help with one."

     She kissed me hard. it was rough but my head did get hot. At that my body came to life and I held her tighter and closer. I hadn't realized it but she had her hands on my chest and was laying on top of me. "Ugh! What the hell is going on with my back?" My back was stretching and tearing. "Hey Zidane I think you may have wings. Oh my they are black, and you are a dark angel. You have to be the seraph but how is it you? You just got here." I stopped listening because I could feel them. They were powerful and very strong.

     "Get Mrs. Hopkins, yes he has matured. Black, and they are THE wings. Yes his back is sore. His element is ice. Yes ma'am." Hannah hung up the phone. I didn't know who she was talking to but it sounded like another student. Then this lady came to the infirmary and looked at me. "Well Zidane it seems you have matured faster than the other students. Blessed be that the rest of the transformation is painless. I bid you farewell."

     She threw something at me and through instinct I caught it. When I looked at what she threw me it was a dagger. The dagger had my name etched into it. The blade was on my skin but didn't cut me. By the way it looks its sharp. "That is your dagger and it will never leave your side. When Mrs. Hopkins left I decided to go back to my room and go to sleep and wake up knowing this is all just a dream.

     Screw the classes today I'll go tomorrow. I wanted a shower but it was quite. When I got in I heard the door open and close. "Hello who is it?" The person could've been a murderer and I would be over here like I'm in here come kill me. "Who is it?" Wow I really don't follow my thoughts. When I turned around I saw Luke standing there staring at me. "What on hell's earth are you doing here?"

     "Honestly I don't know I was called here and I thought it was from you. Now that I am here though I think I am going to stay." He sat on the floor and just kept staring at me. "Listen I don't want to be mean or anything but I don't want you here looking at me. Go away NOW!" I really wanted the gay guy gone. The triple G's. He got up and went in and sat on the couch. I lowered my walls and my wings fell. Then he got up and came and hugged me.

     "Hey I am happy your okay." I wasn't used to people caring let alone letting someone in my walls. "GET OUT NOW!" I screamed and ice flew out of my hand and blasted him backwards. He landed on the bed safe and sound. I then got dried and got some clothes on. "Hey Zidane I didn't mean it like..." I cut him off. "If you ever do that again I will hurt you." Then I stormed out.

     Right when I got to a dark oak outside of the school's west wall I decided to try out my wings. They weren't hard to get used to for they felt like a part of my mind. I flew back to my sister's house and back to her old room. It still smelled like her. Lavender with a hint of white sage. I loved and missed this smell. I grabbed my dagger and got a cup.

     When I tried to cut my hand it was hard because the dagger doesn't want to cut me at all. I put the blood in the cup and said a prayer. "My dear blood. Return to me what has been stolen. Return thy blood back to me. The memories are me to have not to be takin away. Return thy love for ice and darkness. Fall on your knees and hear my wondrous prayer. Blessed Be. I then spilled my blood down the drain and went to bed knowing that no matter what I did wasn't bringing my sister back to me.

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