Chapter 6

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The Visit

Sometimes you can establish connections with the people around you. For an example me and my sister share the same emotion.

     By the time we made it to the mall my mother and Fred was already sitting at a table. We walked over and sat down. "Hey Z how have you been these past couple of years? Also I love your tattoo." Fred was only fifteen so he was still coming of the age of a man. "When did you get a tattoo? Now you know I don't approve of this." Then there is my mother. She is a person who changes in front of others. "Last time I checked I didn't need your approval for anything."

     When our food came for us Exalea had beaten every little detail of my past out of my mother. "I hate to say this but your sister was bad anyways. With everything she had done she deserved to die." Exalea slapped my mother. I never seen her react so quickly. "You don't get to say that. No one deserves to die. That is your daughter and you just say that. Go to hell bitch and leave us alone." Exalea went to the car. I also left but I had to say something before I did. "Thanks for the meal but please if you call me again or say another thing like that I will kill you."

     Something kept telling me to summon the spirits we learned about in class. "Servant of mother earth, I summon thee to come and aid me in this fight." A large garden gnome came from the ground and cause an earthquake. "Disciple of everlasting ice I command you to help me." Then a ball of ice shot from my hand and formed a little girl that was very defensive of me. "Maiden of the mist surround my enemies with your wall and let no one escape." A water wall formed from a puddle of water on the side of a road. "Envoy from the dark abyss cover us so no one will see us."

     After I summoned all the summon spirits my mind went blank and my eyes went to pure light. It was probably from the light spirit Luna but who knows. "Zidane you my boy amaze me more and more each day. I will handle things from here. You kids get back to the school." I knew she was near I just didn't know she was right behind me. Lacey some how made it here without anyone else noticing.

     When me and Exalea made it back to the school I decided to take a shower and cool off from that incident. I was in the middle of my shower when I felt her presence. "Hey are you okay? Exalea told me what had happened." She had her hand on my shoulder and was also naked with me. "Yeah I am fine. It just aggravated me that's all." She hugged me and her hand went lower down my body. I turned around and saw Hannah's green eyes fixed on my scar on my shoulder. I kissed and I picked her up and sat her on the ledge of the shower. I lost myself to her and never wanted to lose her.

     Once we were done Exalea walked in the dorm. I hurried up and dried. "Hey I smell her here. Where is she?" I knew right away she was talking about Hannah because she is the only person here that Exalea managed to smell. "In here with me why? Did something happen?" She walked to the entrance to the bathroom. "No but I now know why she is here. When you get done we need to talk." She left and me and Hannah got done and she left so I went to my room and found Exalea sitting on my bed.

     "Is there any left for me or did she get it all?" She laughed and got me a pair of jeans and a shirt and hoodie from the closet. "Sorry I am not going to answer that question and don't plan on having any experiences with you." I put my jeans on when she got close to my ear and said this. "Lacey wants us in the office because she found something out today and wants us to know about it." After she said that she left and I continued to get dressed.

     When I went to the door everything went black. When I finally awoke I was on cement. There was fire all around me. The place looked totally destroyed. "Exalea?! Where are you?!" I didn't hear anything but I saw a hand. When I reached the hand and found the body connected to it I saw that Exalea was just clinging to life. I couldn't do anything but help her to the end. "Hello is someone out there? Get these pieces of concrete of me." I only had one and a half of my wings. I blasted the ground around and saw the little girl. 16 years old.

     "Thanks for saving me. My name is Rydia Thunderweaver." She was small and looked delicate. "Can you tell me what had happened here?" she took her right hand and placed it on my forehead with her other hand on my chest. Images flashed through my head of Lacey, Exalea, and others from the school in a circle. Me and Rydia summoning Undine. Demons were creating a circle outside of us and were stopping us from summoning more. They just kept coming and coming. "Why did this happen?" She turned around and checked her surroundings. "You destroyed the veil that kept the dead and living apart. To do this you needed demons. Once they were done the demons went on a rampage."

     "How do I stop this from happening?" She got agitated and opened a gate to the past with her magic. She pushed me in and I landed flat on the floor of my room. "Hey Zidane are you alright you fell." It was Exalea. I was so happy to see her. "Yeah but we have to go to Lacey right now. A war is going to break out and I know how to stop it."

     All the lights were dimmed in the office and there were some muffled voices that I could barely hear. "Should we tell him? He needs to know. If she does come back then we need to prep because her power is going to be greater than anything we have seen before." I went in when Exalea stopped talking. "What's going on and what aren't you telling me?" Lacey and Exalea looked at each other and looked very moved by what had happened. "Your sister is alive and should be arriving shortly. Etro has brought her back to life as a sage and she is coming to teach you to summon."

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