F i v e~so now you know

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Kenzie's pov

I walked over to the little shop on the corner and picked up the New York's Times magazine flipping through the pages before finding the article and a group picture of everyone. I smiled bringing memories back from that trip it was so fun and educational I read a bit of the article before the guy bugged me about buying it. I gave him the cash and then left heading back to the condo to see if everyone would want to go to the beach. When I got to the condo Cameron, Chris, and Crawford were hanging out playing video games. "I bet I could still kick your ass at Mario kart" I say walking inside and putting my keys on the hoop. "Psst yeah right I'm the master at Mario kart" Cameron says getting up and putting the controller on the table "so let me see it" he takes the magazine off me and looks at the picture and began reading it out loud. "A group calling themselves the GreyCollins foundation set off to South Africa in hopes of changing the lives of those people. They built houses and provided food and clean water when they finished a bunch of families had new homes to live in" Cameron spoke tossing the magazine back to me "wow you go girl" he winks and I laugh "so are we doing the beach today or what?" I ask they all nod "then let's gather up the gang and head out" I laugh "the gang" Chris says "what else do you want me to call it?" I ask "anything but that" he shakes his head and I continue to laugh.

When we get to the beach with the others we put down our stuff and run straight to the water. It was cold but once you got in it was nice pretty relaxing actually. I floated around for a bit and we all played around then I got out to go take some pictures of everyone. I got my phone and climbed this rock that stuck in the water a bit to get a better view of the sky and everyone else. I held my phone up and began to take pictures when I heard someone calling me out quietly but clearly. I looked down between the rocks to see Matt wait Matt!? "What the hell are you doing here!?" I spit out jumping off the rock to meet him. "I thought it was finally time for me to explain this to you" I sigh "as much as I would love that right now isn't a good time" I say "when is it ever going to be a good time" he makes a good point so I stay and listen. "When I woke up you could imagine I was pretty scared I was out for a while I had no clue where I was and when nurses and doctors surrounded me I got even more scared so much that I panicked and attacked one of the doctors. I nod my head to show him I was listening so he continued. "I accidentally stabbed the doctor in the throat with a scalpel" I gasp covering my mouth with my hands. "They sedated me and then rushed him out of the room when I woke up later I woke up to the news that he didn't make it and I was being charged for murder" "but you didn't know where you were or what you were doing you were in a coma for crying out loud" I say raising my hands "I know, I know, but they didn't see it that way and I couldn't go to jail after being in a coma for so long so I ran" Matt took a deep breath. "I took my things and I left the hospital that night running away as far as I possibly could" I nod grabbing his hands "and you've been running ever since" I say he nods "Matthew.." I began "you need to go speak to the police and explain yourself" he shakes his head letting go of my hands "they'll just throw me in jail" he says pacing "so what are you gonna do keep running until they catch you Matt this isn't healthy please" I beg him "I have to go" he says putting his hoodie on and climbing the rocks "Matt wait" I began to climb the rocks as well when I get to the top he's gone he just vanished.

The rest of the day was pretty shit now that I knew the whole story behind Matt. I wanted to help him so bad but he didn't want help he just wanted to be left alone to figure this out on his own. I tried to call him but he must of switched phones again because it kept saying the caller was no longer in service. I went to bed reading the magazine that night but all I could think about was Matt. I wonder where he is right now, if he's out on the streets or somewhere warm and safe. Matts been living like this for years and I couldn't imagine doing that. That morning I woke up early like usual and made myself a tea and sat out on the deck with my phone scrolling through it drinking my tea.

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