S e v e n ~ what have I done??

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Kenzie's Pov

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I ask him putting my stuff down and taking a seat beside him.

"I'm not really sure of anything anymore but I am sure of this" he says

I watch his facial expression he looked pale and nervous. His fingers were tapping the cup of coffee in his hands he didn't know where to look. I grabbed his hand which made him look up at me.

"I'm here every step of the way" I say he nods putting his cup down and getting up. He grabs his things from the floor and walks out the door. I look back at Cameron and give him a assuring nod.

"Good luck" he says

I walk out the door and to my car with Matthew we get in and I start the ignition.

"What are you going to say?" I ask

"I don't know" he looks straight ahead while I drive his fingers laced together I would be nervous to if I was about to turn myself in.

"How about you just start with your name" I say

"They'll arrest me as soon as I say my name I won't even get a chance for a say" he says

"You're gonna have to say your name eventually anyways"

I pull into the police station and park the car in the visitors section. I then look over at Mathew who looked more nervous then ever.

"I think I'm gonna be sick" he says

"Just focus on what you're going to say and everything will be okay" I say rubbing his back.

He nods taking a deep breath and getting out of the car. I get out with him and we walk hand in hand into the police station. As soon as we walk in the door Matthew began shaking like crazy.

"It's okay" I whisper to him as we walk over to the desk were an older guy sat. He looks up when we walk over and looks between him and I.

"How can I help you?" He asks I look over at Matthew who was trying to speak but stuttering his words.

"My-my name is Mat-Matthew Espinosa.." He gulps the guy looks down at his computer then back up at us.

"You're the missing patient" he says Matthew looks up shocked and over at me scared as hell.

"Yes, I-I'm turning myself in but I want to explain myself" he says

The guy grabs his walkie from his desk "we have a Matthew Espinosa here turning himself in as the missing patient"

"What's going to happen?" I ask

"You're in a lot of trouble young man" he says

"Is he going to jail?"

"You can get yourself a lawyer but for now you're guilty" he says

"No I'm not guilty!" Matthew began freaking out I couldn't stop him security had came in a taken him.

"Matt!" I yell and try to stop them but the other guard grabs me and takes me away from him.

"No, you can't do this he's innocent!" I yell at them.

"Until you get evidence that he is he's guilty and there's nothing you can do about it young lady take her home" the guard takes me outside and tries to settle me down.

"Your job is to put guilty dangerous people in jail not innocent ones how can you call yourself a police officer!" I yell pushing the guard.

"Lady you need to calm down before you do something you will regret" the guard stops me.

"Where's your car?"

I settled down and showed him the way to my car giving him my keys and getting in. I had to think of a way to get Matthew out freaking out on a cop wasn't going to help so for now I was cooperating.

When we pulled up to my place the guard handed me back my keys and called for a pick up.

"I'm sorry about your friend" he says before I go inside.

I stayed up all night with Cameron trying to find evidence of Matthew being innocent.

"Did they say how long he would be in there for?" Cameron asks

"I didn't get around to asking when I was freaking out at them" I respond running a hand through my hair.

"Matthew will handle this he'll get a lawyer and take care of everything" Cameron assures me.

"I just can't sit around when I know he's rotting in there" I say

"You need to stop worrying about everyone else and think of yourself for once" Cameron says

"Are you kidding me? Matthew is in jail Cameron!" I say frustrated. "I'm sitting at home on my comfy couch while he's sitting on a hard uncomfortable bed or being beat up by other prisoners" I yell putting my head into my hands.

"I'm sorry this is all happening but you are way to stressed out for this you need to sleep" he says

"You're right I'm sorry I just.. Matthew doesn't deserve to be in there" I get up and head upstairs to bed.

"I know he doesn't and he won't be in there for long because he's innocent and they'll find out soon enough" he says I sigh going into my room and going to bed.

A/N: I'm back home! A little short update for you guys since you've been waiting a while. I'll get back on track soon but my sleeping schedule and everything is messed up right now.
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