S i x~turning yourself in

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Kenzie's Pov

I starred at the person that sat in the passengers seat with my jaw dropped how on earth can this be happening right now.

"Awkward" Cameron says in that high pitched tone I hit his shoulder making him groan.

"You've gotten more beautiful since the last time I saw you" he says, I blush slightly "what are you doing down here, Finn." I ask he taps the wheel with his thumbs. "Doesn't matter are you getting in or not?" He asks I look at him confused completely forgetting what we were doing in the first place then it hits me. "Oh, uh yeah" I say and get in the passenger seat while Cameron hops in the back of the truck since there's only two seats. "Where are you guys headed?" He asks "there's a little town 2 miles from here we were headed to" I say he looks over at me quickly and then back to the road "why are you walking so far what happened to your car?" I look back at Cameron who has opened the little window in the back.

"Funny story, Cameron's car got stolen and there's literally no signal down here so we were hoping to get signal in this town" I explain looking out the window. "Well aren't you guys in quite a pickle" Finn laughs "where were you headed previously before it got stolen?"

"Home" Cameron says "and where exactly is home now?" Finn asks "back in the city" I say "well why don't I just drive you there I was headed back to the city anyways" Finn says I look over at him "but the cities in the other direction?" He takes a U turn and began driving in the right direction "like I said, I was headed to the city anyways" I sigh "you don't need to drive us back to the city the small town is fine" I say but he refuses "it's fine, and besides we need to catch up" he smirks I look away and tap my fingers on my thighs.

"I read about your foundation in the magazine congratulations" Finn says as we reach the city we've been talking the entire drive I'm pretty sure Cameron fell asleep in the back since I haven't heard him speak for a while. "Yeah, thank you" I say rolling down the window letting the cool breeze blow through my hair. "so how are you?" I ask, he taps his fingers in the wheel to the rhythm of the song that was playing through the radio. "I've had my good and bad days like anyone else" he says I only nod. "What about the wonderful life of Kenzie?" I laugh "it isn't so wonderful" I say "and why is that?" I think back to Matt. "Just a lot of stress on me" I say he nods looking through the mirror that sat in the middle of the car "you're little friends passed out back there" I roll my eyes "you know his name" "doesn't mean I have to call him by it" I sigh "are you still mad about that?" He shakes his head "I've never liked the bloke" I giggle a little at his slang. "Especially when he's with you" "well, you don't need to worry about that anymore because we aren't together" his eyebrow raises "is that so"

"We haven't been together for a while now" I explain Finn's face lights up. "That's great! Uh I mean I'm sorry" I laugh shaking my head as Finn pulls up to my condo. "You kids take care now" Finn knocks on the back window waking Cameron and scaring the crap out of him. I smile getting out and walking around the car to the drivers side "thank you for the ride, Finn" I smile "call me okay" he says I nod and turn around heading inside with Cameron. I didn't tell Finn about Matthew because I haven't spoken to him in years it would be a little awkward if I just blurted out that Matt is alive he would most definitely think I'm crazy. Cameron and I walked inside and up to the condo I searched through my bag for my keys and then unlocked the door. When I walked inside I was not expecting to see who I saw sitting on my couch with a cup of coffee.

"What are you doing here, Matt?"

"I'm ready to go speak to the police... But only with you"

A/N: so this chapter is a little shorter I'm sorry! I'm leaving for Ireland in 3 days for 2 weeks so I'm kinda last minute packing and what not. I'm stressing a bit and I tried to get this chapter out before I leave so it's shorter then usual. I am going to try and update while I'm there but I may not be able to so I hope you enjoy this one until then!
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