You Wanted Chocolate?

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"Hello, welcome to Sonic, what can I get for ya?" The worker asked through the intercom.

"Could I get a Chocolate milksha--no wait, a Vanilla--hmm, maybe I'll actually get that Chocolate, "Ricky replied.

"Are you sure? What size?"

"Yes ma'am, and a medium please."

"Alright, please continue forward to the next window, thank you for choosing Sonic."

~~~~At the Next Window~~~~

"Alright one Van-" Penelope began to say before being interrupted by Ricky.

"Penelope?! Hi! It's me, Ricky!"


"Ricky, Your new neighbor, duh!"

"Oh right, guess I forgot your name."

"Hm, we'll fix that. Wait, is that a Vanilla Milkshake?"

"Um yeah, it's what you ordered..."

"I ordered Chocolate Pen."

"You ordered Chocolate? And what's up with Pen?"

"Yup! And Pen, is my new nickname for you."

"I'll get you a Chocolate right away, and keep workin' on that."

"Thanks Penelope! See ya around!"

"Yeah, see ya." Penelope watched as the blue, 1987 Chevy pickup drove off leaving a cloud of dust and a vanilla milkshake behind. When the small hand on the clock above the register finally made it's way to five, Penelope hung up her apron and made the twenty-minute walk back to her blue, two story home. The lights were off which meant her dad would be out late and there was leftover Takeout in the fridge. She heated up her Takeout, and plopped herself down in the bay window to continue reading Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. She was just starting chapter twenty-one when her dad finally made it home.

"Hey kiddo, how was work?" Her dad asked as he entered through the front door.

"Hey dad, it was the usual. Milkshake, milkshake, French fries, milkshake. How was work?" Penelope replied, as her voice gave away her exhaustion.

"Oh the usual, breathe, type, draw, type, breathe. Penelope?"

"Yeah dad?"

"Maybe you should try to do more this summer, other than work and read."

"I like my summer plans dad. They're simple and safe. They also don't require much motivation or dedication."

"Oh Penelope," He sighed," just try one new thing okay? Better yet, make a new friend!"

"Well, I did make a new friend! Kind of..."

"You did?! Who would this be?"

"Our new neighbor, Ricky."

"There ya go kiddo. Now get some sleep, it's already one in the morning." Penelope threw away her container, grabbed her book and blanket, then proceeded to walk to her bedroom. Her room was fairly simple. Sky blue walls, a caramel colored bed frame along with a desk, end table, and closet doors to match the frame. A few pictures decorated her walls. Mostly containing family and her best friend Oliver who moved away last summer. The fact that he moved wasn't very surprising. There wasn't much to see in here in Arcadia. And for what it's worth, there aren't many people here either; 310 to be exact. Penelope sighed as she settled in under her fluffy comforter. It was only five-thirty in the morning when she was awaken by a car honking, and the smell of bacon. Penelope sat up, stomped over to the curtains and yanked them open. Her only revelation concerning the disturbance was none other than Ricky Moore holding a plate of sizzling bacon and gesturing for her to come outside. Normally, she would've resisted, but the smell of bacon was overwhelmingly beckoning for her. With bacon and punching in mind, Penelope pulled a sweatshirt over and tied her mid-length, blonde curls back before grudgingly heading outside.

"Good morning sleepyhead! I was beginning to wonder if you were ever gonna wake up," Ricky said as he held out the bacon for her. Penelope gladly accepted and went on to backhand the early riser across his cheek.

"Ow! What the actual heck was that for?"

"What do mean 'What was that for'?! You woke me up at five-thirty Ricky! I only got a little over four hours of sleep!"

"Don't worry Sunshine, you can sleep on the way."

"On the way to what?!"

"Pennsylvania of course! Where else?"

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