Wait, Unlimited Burgers?

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"Pennsylvania of course! Where else?" Ricky answered obviously dumbfounded by her question.

"Are you crazy? What makes you think I'd go anywhere with you? And of all places, why PA?" Penelope yelled.

"Well, maybe just a tiny bit, we were friends in second grade, and stargazing, duh."

"Wait, seriously? What's your last name?"

"Moore, as in, Moore cookies pleaseee."

"Wow. You're the Ricky who always asked for my cookies."

"I was also one of your best friends."

"Before you moved in fifth grade. "

"Yeah, my dad needed to move out to Denver for work."

"We may have been best friends, but I'm still hesitant about going with you."

"Did I mention that my dad owns a chain of Dave's Burgers ?"

"Wait does that mean what I think it does..?"

"If you're thinking FREE UNLIMITED burgers, than yes."

"But my job....?"

"Your dad already called in and told them you quit."


"Whoa there Sunshine, calm down. I told him about it yesterday. So, are you ready for the best-and first- road-trip of your entire life??"

"I don't really have a choice."


*sigh* "Yes."


"Wait out here while I get everything ready."

"Yes ma'am!" Ricky replied with a salute. Penelope made her way to the hall closet upstairs and fished out her neon green, Nike duffel bag. She packed her faded blue high-waisted shorts, her olive green high-waisted shorts, blue skinnies, black, gray, and white skater skirts, and a pair of Nike joggers. As for tops, she brought a white, flowy bojo crop top, black, gray and white halter crop tops and an insanely huge Disneyland t-shirt. She threw in white flip-flops, black Nikes, brown leather sandals and the other necessities. Since she'd been woken up earlier than six, Ricky would have to wait as she showered. She threw on athletic black and white shorts, her black NYC sweatshirt she'd worn earlier and black flip-flops. She grabbed the leftover pizza, her bag, of course Fangirl, and set off. When she got to the car, Ricky had already started up the engine and blasted a Troye Sivan playlist.

"Turn that down Ricky!"

"Better?" He asked.


"What took you so long?" Busted.

"I packed, showered and," she said beginning to hold up her pizza, "grabbed this."

*sigh*"Well, at least you're done! So, on our way, we'll be passing through Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio."

"How long will this take???"

"Well, if we pass through two states a day, we should be there in three days. Well, arriving on the third day. Once we enter PA, we'll drive down Potter county and check in. Since, it'll be later, we probably won't do much."

"When will we stargaze?"

"Patience grasshopper, I always save the best for last."

"How long are wee staying?"

"We'll be gone for ten days. Six on the road total, and four in PA. Now, are going to keep bombarding with questions and distracting me from the road, or eat your pizza? Good choice." So, Penelope and Ricky continued the first four hours to Iowa in silence. Along the way, they had stopped at three different rest stops, and one of Ricky's dad's burger joints. During the silence, Rickey had started listening to an audio book while Penelope began reading chapter twenty-one of Fangirl. It was around two in the afternoon when Ricky broke the silence.

"How's your book Pen?"

"Pen again? And, it's good, yours?"

"Yup, I like that nickname best. And mine was good as well. You've read TFIOS right?"

"Of course, that's what you were listening to?"

"Of course. We'll be reaching Iowa in a couple hours. I didn't make any room reservations in the passing states, so we'll just have to put the seat back and sleep in here. We'll drive after our rest stop in Iowa, but we'll take shifts driving every two hours. Deal?"

"Deal cookie."

"Oh no," Ricky said through bursts of laughter, "don't bring THAT nickname back. It needs to stay in second grade."

"Why not?" Penelope questioned through her own laughter, "You brought back Pen!"

"Pen is actually a good nickname." He replied with a smirk.

"Cookie is an AMAZING nickname. But for your sake, I'll call you... Ricky."

"Wow Pen, how long did it take to come up with that?"

"I dunno Ricky, ask your mom." With that, they simultaneously burst out into uncontrollable fits of laughter.

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