Is That Cow Following Us?

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"Ricky, are we there yet?" Penelope questioned after endless hours spent on the road.

"Patience Pen, we'll be at the next rest-stop in about half an hour. Wanna get some burgers? There's a joint right there."

"Of course! Who in their right mind would turn down burgers?"

"Oh Pen," Ricky said chuckling, "you're very different from the girls in Denver."

"How so Rick?"

"New nickname? And you're not afraid to eat something that's not a salad."

"Yup, it is. And good, I do like SOME salads though. But usually, I try to steer away from vegetables. Can we get a booth and eat inside?"

"Of course, I'd call you crazy if you wanted to eat in the car again." With that, Ricky parked the car and together they walked into the burger joint. Once they'd opened the door, the intoxicating smells came rushing in a wave swallowing them in savory goodness. They chose a red booth next to one of the many windows that encircled the place. As soon as they sat down, a read-headed waitress came over to take their order.

"Hey kids, my name's Phoebe and I'll be serving you today. Can I get ya'll something to drink?

'Yes," Ricky replied, "I'll have a Coke please, Pen?"

"Um, I'll have a Coke as well please."

"Alright kids, I'll have that out for ya in a jiff." Shortly after, Phoebe returned bringing their drinks. Penelope sat sipping her drink and contemplating between the double bacon cheeseburger and the Ultimate Double Bacon Cheeseburger(it had onion rings along with bacon).. She then, decided on the latter.

"Alright," Phoebe said as she pulled out a pad and pen," what'll it be?"

"Okay," Penelope stated," could I please have the Ultimate Double Bacon Cheeseburger with a side of tator-tots please?"

"Of course," Phoebe replied," and for you sir?"

"I'll have the same please, but with fries instead of tots."

"Alright, I'll get that out to you two as soon as I can."

"Thank you," They said simultaneously. Until Phoebe came back out, the two invested their time in small talk. They talked about artists, books, shows, movies, and photography. Penelope learned that Ricky adored photography. And Ricky, learned that Penelope loved writing and hoped to get her Wattpad novel published in the future. Eventually, their food was brought out, and the previous talk had been replaced by silence allowing the two to devour their food. After they'd finished, they each ordered apple pie alamode, paid, and left to continue the drive to the rest stop.

"Wow Rick, that was truly amazing." Penelope stated with satisfaction written across her face.

"Right?? Imagine having them all the time! Well, twice a week."

"Sounds like Heaven to me."

"Well, you'll have to join me on my weekly trips then."

"Sounds like a plan." The short drive to the rest stop was made in silence. When they arrived, it was only seven in the evening.

"We should probably stop and sleep," Ricky stated," we'll be driving to Illinois around midnight."

"Alright, now, how do I push this seat back?" Penelope asked. Ricky, after putting his own seat back all the way, came over to assist her.

"While I do this, can you grab the huge, blue comforter from behind my seat? It's the--yup, that one. Can you grab--yup, those pillows, you're pretty good at this Pen." With everything they needed, the two climbed in, arranged everything. They set an alarm and proceeded to fall into a deep blissful, sleep.

Penelope and Ricky were soon awakened by the alarm. Ricky was pretty sluggish after waking up, so Penelope took the wheel and let him sleep while she started the voyage to Illinois. Since it was only a four hour drive, they arrived in Illinois around seven in the morning(with the exception of food and rest-stops). Penelope passed by an open field and discovered that a cow had begun to follow them.

"Wait, is that cow following us?" Ricky asked, slowly, but surely, waking up.

"I think so."

"Weird. Pull over, I'll take the wheel from here." Penelope did as she was told and went to sleep for the first two hours. When she woke up, they had stopped by a near by Wendy's to get breakfast.

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