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Penelope looked out her window, as her eyes filled with a childlike wonder. She watched as emerald green hills rolled past the car. The sun had started to rise marking the fourth day of the trip, and their first in Pennsylvania. Penelope rolled the window down and stuck her head out, allowing her hair fly behind her. As she did this, she took in everything from the painted sky, to the rays of sunshine softly brushing along a sparkling river. She turned to her left to see Ricky taking everything in as well, with awe written across his face. As the sun rose higher in the sky, rays began to gently light up their faces. Erik, woke up and rubbed away the sleep from his eyes, replacing it with a dazzling smile as he jumped into a sitting position. He then proceeded to point out both windows yelling "Look!" and "Oooh, that's pretty!" every ten seconds. Within ten minutes, Erik's stomach began to demand breakfast.

"Alright," Ricky began," How about we pull over to that IHOP and eat breakfast."

"PANCAKES! PANCAKES! PANCAKES!" Erik chanted as Ricky let out a sigh. Penelope only laughed as Erik continued chanting.

"Erik cut it out!" Ricky shouted, quickly silencing the younger boy.

"PANCAKES! PANCAKES! PANCAKES!" Penelope chanted, earning a glare from Ricky when Erik joined in. But, Ricky wasn't immune and began to chant along. So, as IHOP came into view, the three chanted even louder before erupting into a loud chorus of laughter. Ricky parked close to the entrance before the trio exited and entered the building.

"Hey kids," an older waiter greeted," Just the three of you?"

"Yes sir," Ricky replied with a smile.

"Alright then, follow me," The waiter said as he led the three to a booth by a window.

"Can I get you all something to drink?"

"Milk please!" Erik stated, with excitement shaping his features, causing the waiter to chuckle.

"I'll have a coffee please," Penelope said with a sweet smile.

"I'll have a coffee as well please," Ricky finished. The waiter nodded with a smile, and set off to get their drinks. After their drinks were delivered, Penelope and Ricky flipped through their menus while Erik colored his.

"Are you three ready to order?" The waiter asked taking out a pen and notepad.

"Yes," Ricky answered, proceeding to order," May I have the red velvet pancakes?"

"Of course," the waiter replied," and for you ma'am?"

"I'll have the Raspberry White Chocolate Chip pancakes please," Penelope replied, as she handed him the menus.

"Alright, and what would you like young man?"

"Can I please have the Rooty Tooty Fresh 'N Fruity pancakes please? They're my absolute favorite in the whole entire world!" Ricky exclaimed as he colored a dinosaur purple. The waiter laughed as his eyes sparkled.

"I'll have those out for you as soon as they're ready." He stated as Ricky thanked him, earning a smile in return. As they waited rather impatiently for their food, Erik started to about his so-called "girlfriend".

"So Erik," Penelope began," Tell us more about your girlfriend."

"Well," Erik replied," She has short blonde curly hair and blue eyes. She has freckles and she's taller then some of the boys!"

"She sounds very pretty," Penelope said.

"She's gorgus," Erik replied.

"Do you mean gorgeous?" Ricky asked.

"Yes!" Erik exclaimed," Gorgus!" Ricky and Penelope looked at each other as they chuckled silently. Soon, the kind waiter arrived with their food. The only sound made was the noise the silverware made when it scraped against the plates. Erik was the first to finish, followed by Penelope. Even with the two stealing bites, Ricky was still the last to finish his meal.

"Well," Ricky began," lets head out!" On that note, Penelope left a tip and joined the two in the car.

"Next stop," Ricky began," Our hotel!"

A/N Thank you all so much for reading!!! Once again, I'm so sorry I didn't update Friday! Coincidentally, I'm having pancakes for dinner😂 Which do you guys prefer: Pancakes or waffles? Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed and have a good night!


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