OverPowered Part 2

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"Ventus wake up please dont give into the darkness" I exclaimed scared i lost him forever. Ventus opens his eyes but they are no longer the sweet blue that Ariana once knew they are golden. "Vanitas give Ventus his heart back now" I shouted angrily summoning my keyblade. "He is now my puppet to control as i please Ariana" Vanitas/Ventus said evily. Ariana points her keyblade at him challenging him even if it means her getting hurt at the end shed do it just to save the one she loves. "I never loved you Ariana i was just playing you get that through your head your worthless to me" Vanitas/Ventus stated. "Alright thats enough! Vanitas" Ariana exclaims pissed off. "Ariana you dont have to fight him alone" King Mickey exclaims. "King Mickey thank you so much now lets get Ven back" Ariana states. Ariana starts growing weak Vanitas/Ventus knocked her against a rock. Ariana pulls out her wayfinder she had it ever since Aqua gave them to her bestfriends Ven and Terra and now herself. "Ven, Terra, Aqua please lend me strength" Ariana exclaimed weakly. A glowing light appears on her keyblade and she gets up with this sudden Energy coming outta her. "Vanitas its over" Ariana shouted while swinging her keyblade at his breaking his keylade and destroying it once and for all. The darkness finally disappears and Ventus reappears. "Ven!"Ariana shouts happily. But she realizes hes not saying anything. "Ven wake up this isnt funny" Ariana says with worry.  "Im sorry i couldnt protect you Ven" Ariana exclaims upset. Suddenly she is knocked unconscious by the force but she keeps ahold of Ventus.

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