Telling Terra and Aqua

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Ariana's P.O.V.
Ariana was walking around trying to find her bestfriends they had to let them know what happened to Ventus. She finally saw Terra and Aqua up ahead she was relieved to see them.
"Terra stop don't you care about Ventus?" Ariana asked while shouting at him a tear falling down her face knowing her boyfriend may never wake up. Terra turned around and looked up seeing a teary eyed Ariana. "Yes i care about him Ariana i dont want him to get hurt don't you understand that?" Terra asked her. "Yeah well its a little to late for that now Terra! he may never wake up you weren't there for him when he needed your friendship you and Aqua both left him" Ariana Shouted at them both angry that her friends left. Both Terra and Aqua looked down very sadly. "He fought Vanitas but he was to weak and Vanitas took him over and now he may be gone forever he said he never loved me that he was just playing me" Ariana stated while she looked down and she collapsed on her knees and started crying.
"Ariana where is Ventus at now we would both like to see him?" Aqua asked her feeling upset about her bestfriends. "He's back with Yen Sid he's taking care of him he said that Ven's heart is sleeping and
he will need all of us to find the light for the way back home and if he doesn't he will stay sleeping forever" Ariana exclaimed her face turning into a frown.
"We wont let that happen Ariana we will all help Ven find his way back home he's our bestfriend" Terra exclaimed while lending out a hand for Ariana to grab.
Ariana grabbed Terra's hand and wiped her tears and hugged both Terra and Aqua.
Both of them knew that if Ven heard the voice of his three bestfriends that he can follow the light and find his way back home and finally be together again.

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