Differences between books and films (Part 1):

#7: Frodo's age
In the beggining of the story, at Bilbo's birthday party, Frodo was 33 years old. In the films it seems like it took Gandalf two months or so to understand that Bilbo's ring was the One Ring, but in the books it took 17 years. So Frodo was 50 years old when he left the Shire.

#6: Arwen rescuing Frodo
Arwen's role in the books is much smaller than the films. She does have a romantic role with Aragorn but she never rescued Frodo. An elf named Glorfindel is responsible for this.

#5: Faramir
Faramir is not the cold hearted bitch Peter Jackson made us believe. He never said Gondor should take the ring. Actually, he did everything he could to help Frodo and Sam, recognising the ring was too dangerous to be used as a weapon against their enemy.

#4: Tom Bombadil
Tom Bombadil, as said by Tolkien, remains a mystery. He aids the four hobbits, at the Old Forest, and later he saved them from the Barrow-wights, beings of darkness. The One Ring didn't seem to affect him at all and the Council of Elrond even considered giving him the Ring. But he didn't have an important role in the book, so Peter Jackson decided to leave him out of the movies.


So, here I have put four differences between the books and the films. The three most important ones will be in the next chapter.

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Anyway see ya guys next time!


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