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Did anyone wonder why Arwen was able to choose mortality?
Unlike most elves she has that option because her family has human ancestry. Elrond and his brother Elros were half-elven half-man. They were given an option of whether they would become elves and accept immortality, or be mortal and become Kings of men. Elrond chose the elf option and Elros mortality. Elros was the firt King of Numenor; Aragorn is his descendant, which named Aragorn Elrond's far distant nephew.
This also makes Aragorn and Arwen cousins!!


Hey guys!

Since I have not updated for a lot of time I decided to update two chapters. Yayy!

I promise I will update sooner the next chapter!!

You know it, vote and comment.

Till the next time have fun and take care!

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