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5 awesome facts about LotR you might have not known (Part 1):

1. And the first and only fantasy film to ever win an Academy Award for "Best Picture" is... *drumroll* "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" !!!

2. Instead of writing The Lord of the Rings trilogy, J.R.R Tolkien intended to write "A New Hobbit". It would be about Bilbo Baggins who spent all his riches from The Hobbit and wanted to go on another adventure. Luckily, Tolkien remembered the powers of the ring from his first book and decided to write about that instead.

3. Tolkien himself often mentioned that the War of the Rings takes place in the real world and that we are now currently in the Seventh Age. (How cool is that? You might be a distant relative of Legolas or Aragorn and you don't even know it, lol)

4: The budget of the first two The Hobbit movies is almost twice the budget of the entire The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

5: Samwise Gamgee (Sam) is cosidered by Tolkien as the "chief hero" of The Lord of the Rings.


Hey guys!

This was the first chapter of the new small-series thing. Whatever you wanna call it. Did you like it? Tell me in the comments down bellow.

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I'm so sorry for my vocabulary and grammar mistakes you might find here and there, but as you already know I'm not English.

Till the next time... Have fun, take care and smile :)

See ya!

Facts you should know about The Lord of the RingsWhere stories live. Discover now