5 awesome facts about LotR you might have not known (Part 2):

1: A Russian novel published in 1999 titled "The Last Ringbearer" retells the events of  the LotR from the prespective of Sauron and the Mordorian army.

2: Eowyn goes to war with her uncle by disguising herself as a man named Dernhelm. She was able to defeat the Witch-King of Angmar because her sword was made for that exact purpose.

3: When Bilbo drops the Ring before leaving Hobbiton the floor was magnetic to prevent the ring from bouncing. This was done to demonstrate the importance and weight of the ring.

4: During Bilbo's farewell speech at his party, his cake (which was made out of polystyrene) was actually on fire! But because Sir Ian Holm was doing such a good take, they just kept filming, and actually used it in the film.

5: If you ask directions from the Shire to Mordor in Google Maps you'll see the warning: "Use caution... One does not simply walk into Mordor."


Hey guys!

I know, I know... I'm an awful person for letting you wait so many days before I updated. But I wasn't really in the mood to update because school starts soon and I don't wanna go back to school:(

But anyway, as always vote and comment!

This time I would like to thank lucyLOTR for all the votes and comments. Thank you Mellon! I really appreciate it.

Alright I'm out!

Facts you should know about The Lord of the RingsWhere stories live. Discover now