Chapter 1

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I sat at my desk with my head in a book. Gone by Michael Grant was a great read. The natural light had shone perfectly on my book.

My name is Saige Jacobs. To most I'm the shyest most quiet girl they've ever met. I'm also a goody goody apparently. That's exaggerating it a little. There were times I came out of my shell and that was around my best friend Chloe. We all have those best friends we can be crazy around.

As I looked up I noticed the room, in the house next door was occupied by a boy who looked to be my age. My eyes were glued to him. He was beyond gorgeous. He was tall and had dark brown hair.

The stranger soon looked up and noticed me staring. A grin formed on his face. I shut the blinds as quickly as possible. I must have looked real pathetic.

"Nice going Saige." I muttered to myself.

I felt a little drool on the corner of my mouth. How embarrassing.

"Saige, come downstairs!!" Mom yelled.

I ran downstairs not leaving my mother waiting. If I left her waiting then I would be give an earful.

A sigh escaped my lips. "Yes mom?"

"I need you to take these brownies over to the new neighbors next door."

"Why me? Why can't you guys?" I asked

"We're going to do a little shopping." Dad said.

Great they're going shopping while I'm forced to take brownies over to the neighbors. Their son probably thinks I'm some freak.

I grabbed the brownies and walked nervously to the house next door.

"You can do this Saige. All your doing is taking brownies to your new neighbors." I whispered to myself.

I knocked at the door and stood back a little waiting for someone to open it. The door slowly opened revealing a short middle aged women.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The women said with a friendly tone.

"Yes, my name is Saige. My mom sent me over to give you these brownies. Her and my dad should be over later. They went shopping."

"Oh great! I'm Mrs. Price, but you can call me Priscilla. Why don't you come in dear." I followed after her.

As I entered into the house I was in awe. The furniture complimented the walls nicely. There were paintings plastered on the walls. One painting was of the melting clocks by Salvador Dali. They sure set the living room up fast.

"Sweetheart this is Saige."

"Hello I'm Mr. Price. Nice to meet you Saige." He said shaking my hand.

"Jackson!! We have company." Priscilla shouted.

"Coming mom." He said running downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Saige this our son Jackson. Jackson, this is Saige. Jackson, your father and I are going to pick up some supplies for the house. You can keep Saige occupied. Bye guys." Mr. and Mrs. Price left.

"Well well well. If it isn't the girl who was checking me out. Like what you see sweetheart?" He said staring at me with those blue eyes.

"Excuse me. Don't call me that." I gave him an annoyed look.

"Look. I know I'm sexy. All the girls drool over me, so I'm not surprised that you were." He smirked.

"Don't flatter yourself." I shook my head.

Great why'd I have to be alone with someone as arrogant as him. He was good looking but his attitude was horrible.

"So sweetheart, looks like we're alone. Want to have some fun?" He moved a couple inches closer.

I don't know who he thought he was. An uneasy feeling came upon me. He was making me nervous.

I took a step back. "I'm pretty sure we have different definitions of fun right now."

"Oh come on. No girl can resist all this."

"Well this girl can. You're definitely not my type. Enjoy your brownies. I'm just gonna leave." I turned around but before I could walk away, he grabbed my wrist. "Le..Let go of me." I stuttered pulling away.

His touch sent shivers down my spine.

"You wouldn't leave me alone now would you?" He pouted his lips.

"Yes. Now if you would excuse me, I have some reading to do." I walked away

Once I was out the door I took a deep breath and exhaled. I was glad to be as far from Jackson as possible.


I picked up my book and plopped down on my bed. Finally I could get some reading done. As I laid back there was a knock at the door. Great just when I was getting comfortable. What if it was Jackson at the door? I decided not to answer and went back to reading. The knocking had finally stopped and all was silent.

Just then I heard something by the window. I got up only to find Jackson throwing rocks.

I opened the window. "What the heck are you doing?! Stop throwing rocks at my window!" I yelled.

"I believe we weren't finished with out conversation. I wasn't done talking about myself." He smiled.

I rolled my eyes and shut the window. That conversation was definitely over.

I decided to call my best friend Chloe and tell her about Mr. Arrogant.

"Oh my goodness! So I have new neighbors and they have a son..." I was interrupted.

"Oooo is he cute? What's his name? Are you going to date him!" Chloe said overly excited.

"His name is Jackson Price. He's really cute, but he's the most arrogant person I've ever met. He won't shut up about himself." I said annoyed. Just talking about him made me annoyed.

"He's cute though. I don't see what's the problem. You gotta stop playing hard to get and get cuffed already. You're not getting any younger you know. Plus that whole shy thing you got going on has got to stop." Chloe said sternly.

"He's not my type so that's not happening."

"Opposites attract. Duh. I want to live vicariously through you. It's boring here in DC." She laughed.

Chloe had gone to Washington DC for the summer to visit family. She goes like mostly every summer.

"Chloe I mean it. I don't like him he's too much. Now if you will excuse me I have some reading to get back to. Bye."

"You're no fun. Bye." She said hanging up.

That girl is in way over her head. I won't have her trying to convince me to date someone so she can live vicariously through me. No way that's happening.

"Well, well, well." Jackson said clapping. First you stare at me now you talk about me. You got it bad."

"How did you get in my house?!" I jumped off my bed and moved farther away from him.

"You left the back door open." He laughed.

"Doesn't give you the right to just walk into my house."

He moved closer and closer to me.

"How about we talk about me. I'm smart, good looking, smooth, etc. I'm like prince charming." He inched closer.

I took a step back causing me to bump into the wall. "Stop!"

"Why? Am I making you nervous? Awww." He brushed a strand of my hair back.

"Do..Dont touch me." I was more nervous than ever.

He had me against the wall. Both of his hands were on each side of me pressing against the wall. I was unable to escape. He leaned in as if he was about to kiss me. His face only inches away from mine. He moved closer and closer but suddenly stopped.

"Maybe next time sweetheart." He walked away.

My heart was beating fast. What a way to torture me. I'm just glad that was over.

Hey guys so I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you to all who read it!! This is my first official story.

Mr. ArrogantDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora