Chapter 10

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The sun had began to set. Today was one of the best days ever.

Jackson turned and faced me in the car. "Looks like I've won you over."

"Not just yet pretty boy." I said.

"You will soon enough. Don't forget, you kissed me this time." He smirked.

I had developed feelings for him, but I was scared. I had been keeping something from him and denying it myself. When I said no guy had ever liked me before, that was a lie. I don't know if I should tell him or not.

I spent the whole car ride silent, stuck in my thoughts.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing. I'm just tired, that's all." I smiled.

I really was tired, but there was more to it as well. I felt myself dozing off in the car.

We finally arrived home. Jackson must have saw me dozing off because he came to the passengers side and picked me up bridal style again.

"What about to stuff?" I said yawning.

"I'll get it later." He said smiling.


I had awoken to find myself still in the clothes I wore to the beach last night. Whew.

"Get up sweetheart, you have a doctors appointment." Jackson said.

Wow, he remembered my doctors appointment and I didn't.

"Oh yeah." I said slowly getting up.

"Here let me help you." Jackson quickly came to my side.

I quickly took a shower and got ready.


"It looks like you're going to need surgery." The doctor said with a serious tone.

"" I took a deep breath.

"Yes. It's a small operation, but we need your parents to sign a consent form."

"Is it okay if you explain it to them on the phone." I asked.


I called my parents and handed the doctor the phone. My mom almost had a heart attack again. She started crying. Once the doctor explained, she calmed down. My parents had to come back early to sign a consent form for my surgery.

My surgery would be taking place tomorrow morning. I was pretty scared. I had never had surgery before. I know it was for my ankle, but what if something went wrong?

"It's okay sweetheart, you'll be in good hands." Jackson said grabbing my hand while leaving the hand on the steering wheel.

It was nice to know that he was there for me.

We arrived home, and my parents car was in the driveway. Dang they sure got home fast.

"Oh sweety! Are you okay?!" Mom said hugging me.

"Yes mom, it'll be okay. The doctors know what they're doing." I said. "I'll go get my stuff from Jackson's house."

Jackson helped me upstairs. He grabbed the suitcase with stuff in it and we made our way back down the stairs.

"Wait, before you go." He stopped.

His lips connected with mine once more. It sent shivers down my spine.

"I had to do that." He said.

I hugged him and we made our way back to my house. He dropped my stuff in my room and left.

It was the day for my surgery. I was feeling quite anxious the whole car ride to the hospital. I also had Jackson on my mind, which made me feel more calm.

I slowly opened my eyes. I was on a hospital bed. My surgery must have been over with.

"Hey sweety." Dad said.

"He..hey daddy. Where's mom?"

"Bathroom. Oh and the doctor said they have to keep you overnight. You can come home tomorrow."

Mom came back two minutes later.

"Hey honey, look who's here to see you." Mom said.

It was Jackson.

"We'll give you too some privacy. We're going to the cafeteria." Mom winked at me.

She would do something like that.

"Hey princess, how's it going."

Was I still a little out of it from those drugs they gave me? Did he just call me princess?


"Come on. Let's see that beautiful smile of yours." Jackson said grabbing my hand.

I put a smile on my face just for him.

"There, that's better." He said smiling. "Your mom said you get to come home tomorrow. I'll miss my princess."


"That's what you are. You deserve to be treated like one." He said as he kissed my hand.

Man he had it bad. But aw, I was considered a princess to him.

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