Chapter 11

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Today was the day I got out of the hospital. Finally. I'm glad I didn't need a wheelchair but just crutches, but I was going to have to take it easy for quite a while.

When we pulled up, Jackson was standing outside waiting. He had a card in his hand. A smiled formed into my face.

"Hey princess!" Jackson said helping me out of the car.

"Hey." I said smiling.

"Man I missed you."

"But I wasn't even gone for long at all. Plus you visited me."

"Still. It felt like days without you." He said.

He was over exaggerating it a little, but it was still sweet.

"Here. This is for you." He said hanging me the card.

"Thank you."

When I got up to my room, I wasted no time and opened the card.

"Hey princess. I really need that ankle of yours to get better. My parents send their best to you by the way. I really enjoyed these times we've spent together! My feelings for you have grown more. I only hope that in time you will feel the same way. I don't care how long, but I'll wait for you. I just want you to be happy.

My heart was touched. I really was starting to like him more. I had to tell him what happened a couple years ago.

I looked at my phone to see that I had like a hundred messages from Chloe. Man I forgot to text my own best friend back.

Me: Hey Chloe, sorry I forgot to text you back. I recently broke my ankle and just had surgery yesterday but don't worry it went well. I had to spend a few days at Jackson's house because my parents went to help my grandparents. He took me out to eat and then the next day to the beach! He's already confessed his feelings for me but I haven't done the same. I'm afraid that what happened a couple years will happen again.

Chloe: Oh Saige! Thank God you're alive. I can't wait to come home! But I'm sure he isn't like that. It'll all workout. Just give the boy a chance.

She was right. I should give him a chance.

A knock at my door filled the silence.

"Hey, Jackson is here to see you." Mom said opening the door further revealing Jackson.

"Hey princess." Jackson said joyfully. "What's wrong? You look glum."

"Jackson, I need to tell you something." I said seriously.

"OK." He said sitting down.

"Jackson I haven't been completely honest with you. Two years ago I dated this boy. I thought he loved me, but turns out he didn't. My best friend Chloe caught him kissing this other girl. Turns out he was dating me and her at the same time. That's why I'm shy and quiet. I convinced myself I wasn't good enough that's why he cheated. So that made me think I wasn't good enough for anyone. I really like you, but I'm just scared." I took a deep breath.

He grabbed my hand. "Oh Saige. I would never cheat on you ever. I'm not like that. I may be arrogant but I'm not a cheater. I promise that I will never ever hurt you. If you need time to think it over, then I'll give you that time." He said understandingly.

"Thank you for being so understanding." I said.

He then kissed my forehead.

"So, I'm here to keep you from dying of boredom. What do you want to do?" He asked.

"Well, I'm actually really hungry. Can you make me something please?"

"Anything for you Princess." He said walking out of my room.

My mom then came running in.

"I heard everything! This is great! If you need to talk then I'm here." He said excitedly.

"Really mom?! You were being nosey." I said shaking my head.

"Yes. I'm your mother. It's my job."

I gave her a look.

"Fine fine. I'll you guys some privacy." She said leaving.

That was a classic mom move.

"Hey, I made you some mac n' cheese. I sprinkled some bacon bits in it."

"Oh my gosh! How did you know?!" I said joyfully.

Mac n' cheese with bacon bits was one of my favorite foods ever. The taste was amazing. It made me taste buds do a dance.

"Your dad told me." He laughed.

"Ahh I see." I said taking a bite of the cheesy goodness.

He watched me as I took bites of my food. I guess that's just his thing now. Watching me while I eat.

"I have an idea." He blurted.

"What is it?"

"How about we watch a movie?"

"OK. I'm down for a movie. There's a stack of movies over there. Just pick one." I said.

"How about maze runner?" He asked.

"Oooo OK."

He popped the movie in the DVD player and sat next to me on the bed.

"Shoes off." I said.

"Haha OK, whatever you say princess."

As we watched the movie I felt his arm go over my shoulder. I snuggled into him more. My head rested against his chest. It just felt right.

Hey guys looks like things are going good with Saige in Jackson. Hope you like the chapter. Bye!! :)

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