Middle School Troubles (Chapter 1 I'm already hurt)

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Chapter One: Im already hurt

I sat there, on the bus, waiting for my friends stop. I'm so nervous about middle school. I know that sounds kinda stupid, but I'm just not sure how it will be.

As the bus approaches my friends, Lea and Anna's bus stop they climb on and sit next to me. "Kayla, are you nervous, or is it just me?" Anna asks as she sits down across from Lea and I. " I'm so nervous!" I reply. " How about you Lea?" " Actually, not as much as I thought I would be." Lea replies.

We stop at the school, we get off the bus. The school is so big! How will I find my way to all of my classes?! "Woah!" I say in shock. We manage to walk inside the building without getting trampled by these TALL 8th graders. We sit down on the benches and talk about how we all have all classes together. "At least we have all our classes together, so we can have each other!" Lea says. " Yeah, I mean, I guess it makes everything a little easier!" I say.

The bell rings and we look for our lockers. Unfortunately, our aren't next to each other, so we split up.

I go down the busy hallway and immediately, get knocked down by this very tall 8th grader, fortunate I don't crack my head as I land on the hard ground. Every one in the hallway turns as they hear the big thump. Some girls giggling and calling me a klutz. Like really I think in my head.

I stupidly lay on the ground. The crowd clears and I get up.

The tardy bell rings and I still haven't found my locker yet. I start to get a headache and fall on my butt. I guess I might of hit my head too hard on the ground, the headache starts to increase. I then wake up to find my self in the nurses office.
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Hope you enjoyed :)

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