Chapter 15 Cast Signing

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Chapter 15 Cast Signing

The next day I am forced to go to school by my mom.

After three pulls I'm finally out of bed.

My mom was late for work because she had to get me out if bed.


I bring a black Sharpie with me so people can sign my cast. It's purple! Hehe purple is a weird word!

"OMG KAYLA ARE YOU OKAY?!" Lea worries.

Ugh my friends are really dramatic! "Yeah I'm fine I guess."

I don't do the warm ups in gym and I can't participate at all for 2 weeks.

Dang it.

At the end of gym, Jason walks up to me and says he's sorry for the ten billionth time. He signs my cast as well.

So does Lea, Anna, and many more people I could list but I'm too lazy to.

All my classes are the same. The only difference is they all ask to sign my cast. Like hey I don't have anymore room people!

For lunch I have Pizza and French Fries.

But unfortunately, I drop my pizza because my cast is so big!

After that happened, Alicia the girl I talked about walk up to me.

"Jason is mine ok! Back off." "I'm sorry that you think that because I have him right here by my side, he doesn't want a snobby girl like you!" I reply.

"You little..." Her words get cut off by Jason. "Can you leave now I'm trying to eat my food here!" "Jason! Omg hey." She tried to flirt.

"Hi? Leave please!" Jason replied. She turns around and walks away.

I thanked Jason for helping me. Gosh some people can't save drama for high

~ ~ ~

So now Alicia is in the picture!

Snobby girls.

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