Chapter 8 Jason Speaks

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Chapter 8 Jason Speaks

We are currently on the bus and Lea and Anna fill me in on what happened.

"This is going to be long but here we go!" Lea says.

" Hey Jason, Uh....Hi, So why didn't you say anything to Kayla all we asked was for you to talk to her! You wouldn't believe me, really Jason trust me, okay we'll I didn't want to embarrass myself, really Jason are kidding me? Don't you think it's Kayla who's embarrassed! um no not really, OK can you please redo tomorrow, ummmm I don't know, JASON ALL WE ARE ASKING IS FOR YOU TO SIMPLY TALK TO A GIRL, DON'T BE A WUSS! Geez I'm just nervous, OF KAYLA WHY? DO YOU LIKE HER? Uh never mind I will get to know her tomorrow in health just calm down bye. Bye." Anna said.

What, Jason got nervous, how is this possible?

"How can he be nervous around me, it should be opposite!" I say. "He might have a little crush on you." Lea says. Oh my, I'm trying to process this in my brain. Their stop comes and I say bye.

I can't wait until tomorrow.

I get dressed and run down stairs to eat breakfast.

I'm surprised to see my mom up cooking breakfast. Usually she is asleep because she has work at 8:00 Am so she has time.

I always go for a pop tart. Today she thought she could make us breakfast since she starts work at 11:00 because the mall opens late just today.

She makes us eggs and toast, along with some milk. Ariana is texting away and I just finish eating.

I grab my backpack, slip on my shoes and rush out the door to get to the bus. I save Lea and Anna their spots. Soon, they run on the bus and sit.

" Today should be interesting" Anna says. We get on the benches as soon as we get in the school and chat. "I'm so eager to see what happens in health today" I say.

The rest of the day seems to drag on. P.E.
Social Studies
Language Arts

That's my schedule every day. I'm now at lunch. Anna, Lea, and I are eating grilled cheese and tomato soup.

Once lunch is over, the rest of the classes run on and before I know it I'm in health. Lea and Anna sit in their seats pretending to talk, but their really watching me. Jason walks up to me as I sit in my seat. " Uh..Hey" He says with his heart melting smile.

Oh my...

~ ~ ~

New chapter :-)

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