Chapter 14 Apologies

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Chapter 14 Apologies

I didn't go to school the next day.

My mom picked me up and took me to the Emergency Room to get it checked out. I ended up breaking my arm.

I'm getting a cast today.

Anna called me before I left and said at school everyone was saying Jason tripped you on purpose.

This was after school by the way. Anyways, she said a girl named Alicia one of the popular girls at our school spread the rumor.

I'm not really surprised because she loves Jason and is jealous that he wants to be my friend.

After I got my cast I sat a watched a movie. I was watching CyberBully, I started crying at the end. Just when I did Ariana walked in and asked what was wrong.

"This movie is sad!" I replied.

"Wow." she replied while rolling her eyes.

I heard a buzz and noticed it was my phone.

Jason: I'm really sorry about yesterday, I didn't mean to trip you! Are you okay?

Me: Um yea, I got a cast because I broke my arm.

Jason: Oh my god, sorry

Me: It's fine I guess, but Alicia is spreading rumors and I don't want everyone to get the wrong idea.

Jason: Really?! Don't listen to them, well anyways sorry again and I'll see you tomorrow I guess.

Me: Yeah, bye.

He just texted me again. And he was worried about me. He doesn't care what other people say, unlike me.

Why is he so perfect?

~ ~ ~





Love yuhhhh ;)

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