Chapter 17 Texting Jason 2

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Chapter 17 Texting Jason 2

It's Monday and guess what?!

It's a snow day and we don't have school! I'm half sad and half happy. Happy because, um hello? NO SCHOOL!! I'm sad because I have to miss a day without Jason.

BI think I'm obsessed, I think.

By the way, It turned out Ariana and Mom where fighting about Ariana's new boyfriend. Don't know any details though except I think his name is like Jack or something. Gotta find out more though!

I start the day off with T.V. Then, I go and text Anna and Lea.

As soon as our conversation is over, I get an unexpected text from Jason.

Jason: Hey are you happy there's no school?

Me: Yes! Monday is finally a good day for once :P

Jason: I'm kinda mad.

Me: Why?!

Jason: Because.....

Me: Because

Jason: I don't get to see you.

What? Am I dreaming or something? Is this actually happening.

I mean I know he likes me but, I didn't know he would feel the same way I do!

Me: Well, um why me.

Jason: I thought since we both like each other, we could be a little more closer..

Me: Oh ok well don't worry you'll see me tomorrow lol.

Jason: Yeah I guess, but do you still like me?

Me: Yes..

Jason: Good to know, I'll see you tomorrow ;)

Me: Yeah bye!!

What just happened. Does he want to ask me out? Wait woah, that will not happen! Or maybe it will? He and I thought the same thing.

We both want to see each other! I'm so confused right now.

~ ~ ~

Are they going to go out?

Find out soon!

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