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"So who exactly is Sammy?" she asked, as she came into my room, shutting the door behind her. I was on my bed crying, trying my best not to. She came and sat down next to me and put her hand on my back.

"This guy that I don't even know that well," I said.

"Okay, well where did you meet him? School? Work?"

"He randomly texted me one day at 3 in the morning, and then turns out he had texted the wrong number, and it started from there,"

"So then why are you so upset?" she asked, pushing her glasses up.

"Because he just decides to show up to my house with chocolates and flowers when I'm hanging out with Nash!" I said then added, "Nash got the wrong idea and left!"

"Wait..how the hell did Sammy know where you live?!"

"I uh, met up with him at Starbucks..." I said, starting to cry again.

"Yeah, and?"

"We came back here..."

"...and?! Seriously, get to the point!" she demanded, clapping her hands. I jumped and began talk again.

"And he ate me out, that's all that happened!"

"You guys met at Starbucks, and came back here so he could eat you out..?" I nodded.

"Lilly, why on earth would you even do that?!"

"I have no fucking idea!" I stated, standing up as I started pacing around my room.

"He said it was just going to be one kiss,"

"Lilly! You knew one kiss could lead to so much more, and you did it anyways!"

"Yeah, I know! I'm aware of my mistakes. I'm probably never getting Nash back; and I really liked him!"

"Did you really?" she asked, her voice getting stern.

"Yes, I really did."

She came closer to me. "If you liked him, why would you hook up with another guy?"


"Would you rather have a nice guy who you can trust? Or would you rather hook up with a guy that you barely know, and knowing nothing more would happen afterwards?"

"You already know I want a nice guy that I can trust,"

"Exactly. You know where you messed up, and it's time for you to fix it,"

I didn't get to say anything back, because she had left my room, leaving me to think all by myself.


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